Berlin is now promoting balcony power plants with sums of up to 500 euros. In this way, the city-state aims to increase the proportion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. The city’s target is a 25 percent share of total electricity. In addition, the subsidy is intended to contribute to the financial relief of private individuals, whose energy costs will decrease in the long term if they install a balcony power plant.
States set up subsidy programs
Well ahead of Berlin, the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has already begun to provide financial support for balcony power plants. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the subsidy amount granted is even up to 1,000 euros.
Also other Lands of the Federal Republic announced to want to set up appropriate promotion programs. They want to contribute to the energy turnaround and provide financial relief in the face of high energy costs. Stephan Schwarz, Berlin’s Senator for Economic Affairs, Energy and Operations, commented accordingly: “We have expanded the very successful SolarPLUS subsidy program to include the plug-in solar appliance module and are thus taking a further step towards climate neutrality in our city. The electricity produced flows into our own power circuit and thus reduces our own energy costs.”
Apply for funding first, then buy device
Berlin promotes balcony power plants via the IBB Business Team platform. All people who live in rented accommodation, have a balcony and are interested can apply for the subsidy. However, the installation of a balcony power plant only makes sense if the balcony is sufficiently exposed to the sun. Otherwise, no significant energy production can be expected. Furthermore, the connection to a suitable power grid must be possible.
It is important to note that the device must not yet have been purchased when the subsidy is applied for.