
Hoymiles supports Balkonkraftwerk event in Freiburg

When it comes to modern energy solutions, Hoymiles is at the forefront with its practical inverters. And its success proves the company right. After all, the manufacturer’s devices are primarily used in the increasingly popular balcony power plants. Hoymiles (official website) clearly demonstrated its commitment to the idea of compact PV systems on July 13, 2024 in Freiburg. There, the company celebrated an event together with the local Balcony Solar Association of the city in Breisgau, which focused on sustainability and modern energy solutions.

Hoymiles refurbishes old solar panels

July 2024 is an important month for balcony power plant owners and all those who want to become one. On a sunny Saturday, advocates and supporters of modern energy solutions celebrated the end of restrictions for tenants with balcony power plants in Freiburg city center. The event was organized by the Balcony Solar Association. And the event not only emphasized that a balcony power plant is ecological. The focus was also on sustainability.


As part of a major upcycling event, a total of 200 solar panels were refurbished and transformed into fully-fledged balcony power plants. This was not only made possible by the energetic local supporters. Hoymiles contributed the necessary technology in the form of inverters, among other things. The popular manufacturer was thus able to transform old solar panels into new, fully functional balcony power plants with a total of 110 inverters.

Exemplary cooperation

The big upcycling event showed that the best way to achieve a greener tomorrow is to work together. Hoymiles supplied the project with its inverters. The old solar panels, on the other hand, were donated by a school in Freiburg. The brackets required for the panels were provided by Solaris, a company based in Freiburg.


Those who registered for the event in advance were then able to assemble their own balcony power station. A total of 50 helpers supervised and assisted with the assembly to ensure that even non-experts in the field ended up with a functioning balcony power station. If necessary, they naturally lent a hand. Hoymiles himself is more than enthusiastic about the result. And it wasn’t just because it was a new world record for recycling solar panels.


On top of that, the organization of the event was obviously excellent. The registered participants first had to pick up their assembly instructions and the inverter from Hoymiles at the assembly point. A Hoymiles HMS-400 (official product page) was provided for the event. The lucky ones then grabbed their solar panels and got straight down to assembling them. This underlines once again how easy it is to create your own balcony power plant.

Head of the club is happy and satisfied

But the successful event not only pleased Hoymiles and the participants. The Balcony Solar Association in Freiburg was also delighted with the success. In an interview with colleagues from homeandsmart, chairman Sebastian Müller said that the event was also “a celebration of the passing of the law on balcony power plants for tenants”. Landlords now no longer have the right to decide on balcony power plants.


Tenants are now free to decide whether and how to install them. If he has his way, the event should serve as a model for other comparable upcycling offers. Accordingly, the head of the association has called for the world record to be broken again. Hoymiles as sponsor and the Balkonsolar Verein in Freiburg have made it clear with their event how easy the path to self-produced green electricity can be. Hopefully there will now be many imitators.

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