Apple is planning to launch a revised version of the popular Mac Mini with the new M4 chip. According to insider Mark Gurman from Bloomberg, the new model will not only be more powerful, but also even more compact than its predecessors. It could represent the biggest design change since the Mac Mini was introduced in 2010 and could cause excitement among Apple fans and technology enthusiasts alike.
The most important rumors at a glance
- New, more compact design: The Mac Mini M4 could be even smaller and lighter than before.
- Powerful M4 chip: Apple’s new M4 chip will be used for the first time, promising more power and higher efficiency.
- New connectivity options: It is possible that the Mac Mini M4 will offer new ports, but fewer connectors.
- Launch date: The new model could be unveiled in the coming months.
Revolutionary design and compact construction
The design of the Mac Mini has hardly changed for over a decade, but this could change fundamentally with the introduction of the M4 model. According to recent reports, Apple is planning to make the Mac Mini even more compact.
The Mac Mini M2 currently measures 197 mm x 197 mm x 35.8 mm. According to Gurman, the new model will be roughly the same size as the Apple TV 4K, which is much smaller at 93 mm x 93 mm x 30.5 mm.
The new Mac Mini could therefore be the smallest desktop model Apple has ever produced, which makes it particularly attractive for users who have little space on their desk or prefer a minimalist setup.
The reduced casing could also be accompanied by new materials and optimized heat dissipation to make efficient use of the performance of the powerful M4 chip. We are talking about a new aluminum case
Fewer connections
Another exciting aspect of the rumors surrounding the Mac Mini M4 is the possibility of new connectivity options. While current models already offer a wide range of ports, the M4 Mini could offer fewer due to its smaller size.
According to Gurtman, a current prototype has three USB-C ports, an HDMI port and a power connection. USB-A and Ethernet, as they are currently found, are missing from the prototype. However, the USB ports are likely to be Thunderbolt ports, which would make it easy to expand the selection.
Updated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology could also be used to ensure a seamless connection with other Apple devices.
In addition to the Mac Mini M4, there will reportedly also be a Pro model based on the M4 Pro chipset and using the same slim design.
The rumors surrounding the new Mac Mini M4 promise an exciting update for Apple’s compact desktop computer. With a significantly smaller design and the powerful M4 chip, the Mac Mini M4 could become an attractive choice for anyone looking for a powerful, space-saving computer.
According to the report, the new Mac Mini will be released in 2024. Mass production is set to start this month, so a release in October or November would be possible.