
TikTok Germany: Works council can be elected

After TikTok prevented a works council election last year for formal reasons, it can now take place: An election committee has already been appointed and the first hurdle on the way to setting up a body representing the interests of employees has thus been cleared.

Election of works council 2021 prevented

An election committee had already been appointed last year. However, a works council election did not take place because TikTok Germany did not recognize the appointment of the election committee for formal reasons: Legally, an in-person election is required; however, due to the pandemic, TikTok’s employees had held an online meeting. TikTok Germany then had the appointment declared invalid by legal action, thus preventing the further process of setting up a works council. Now, however, the appointment of the election committee took place in presence and thus in accordance with applicable law. To organize a legally compliant appointment event, an initiative had turned to ver.di. The union described the cooperation with TikTok Germany in this context as pleasant. The company had cooperated and complied with applicable law.

Called for better working conditions

The establishment of a works council to represent the approximately 100 employees in Berlin is likely to be primarily due to the repeatedly criticized working conditions at the Chinese company. According to ver.di, the main complaints were poor pay, pressure to perform and a lack of diversity at management level. Sean Krusch, one of the three appointed election committee members, deduces from this the necessity of a works council. In the future, this council could represent the interests of the workforce vis-à-vis upper management and work to ensure that company agreements are actually implemented. According to previous reports, the various external problems in the EU, such as consumer protection problems, are now being joined by internal ones.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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After TikTok prevented a works council election last year for formal reasons, it can now take place: An election committee has already been appointed and the first hurdle on the way to setting up a body representing the interests of employees has thus been cleared. Election of works council 2021 prevented An election committee had … (Weiterlesen...)

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