
Can Someone Hack My IP Address? Why Would They?

The digital risks we face daily are always a concern with misconceptions and a lack of digital literacy. There can sometimes be a little confusion.

Take, for example, your IP address. Can someone hack it? If so, why would they do it?

Let’s find out.

Understanding IP Addresses

IP is the acronym for Internet Protocol, so your IP address is your Internet Protocol address, and it works a lot like a regular home address.

It looks like a string of numbers with periods and colons and identifies a device or a network. The number is unique and is used to route data between networked devices and the internet.

IP Address Types

The type of IP address you have will either be IPv4 or IPv6, the former being an older version widely used until the latter was introduced.

IPv4 uses four sets of numbers ranging from 0 to 255, but with so many devices connecting in modern times, IPv6, which is a little more complex, was created.

Can Someone Hack An IP Address?

In technicality, the answer to this one is no, it can’t be hacked, but it can be obtained and used to get access to other details for hacking.

A better way to to rephrase it would be “Can Someone exploit an IP address?” to which the answer is yes absolutely, presenting many risks.

Let’s take a look at some ways they could potentially be exploited and then we’ll discuss the motives.

How Hackers Might Exploit an IP Address

While hackers need a little more than just your IP address, they can exploit it in a few different ways.

With an IP address, they can potentially gain unauthorized access to your device. They could overwhelm your network, slow operations and cause disruptions, or launch a  Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

A compromised IP address can lead to bigger cyber risks, so it should be dealt with seriously.

While there is no hacked IP address fix, if you think yours has been compromised, you need to up your cybersecurity and monitor it with vigilance to manage other potential risks.

Why Would Anyone Hack an IP Address?

To answer this one, we have to get inside the mindset of a cybercriminal. Below are the top three motives behind the IP Address exploitation that we discussed above.

Unauthorized Access Motives

With an IP address obtained for unauthorized access, the motive is usually to steal sensitive data such as personal information, or to install malicious software.

With the right information, hackers and cybercriminals can commit fraud and even steal an entire identity. Malicious software installations give them the ability to extort money from individuals.

Attacking Anonymously

By launching an attack from within, hackers can disguise their actions often meaning they get away with it without being noticed.

Their crimes can’t be tracked to them giving them anonymity that helps them evade the consequences.


The other main motive behind wanting to get your hands on someone’s IP address is for snooping.

Advertisers can use your IP address to sleuth through your activity and create targeted ads. However, some might be surveilling you for something far more nefarious.

Protecting Your IP Address

While the address itself might not literally get hacked, it can be used exploitatively, and the potential consequences can be devastating, so let’s discuss what you can do to protect your IP address.


One of the primary functions of a Virtual Private Network is masking your IP address, it safely routes your internet traffic and encrypts data.

Install Firewalls and Security Software

Using firewalls as a barrier also helps, that way if someone does have your IP address, it is of very little use to them. You can also install security software tools to help monitor your devices and networks for suspicious activity.

Update Without Fail

It seems shocking, but in 2022 76% of vulnerabilities exploited up to 13 years old.

Updates are really important to keep on top of. They aren’t always about a new feature or change of interface; most of the time, they fix security issues that have been detected.

Without regularly updating, you are a target; automating updates can help you make sure you’re protected

Switch of Peer-to-Peer Settings

Many messaging and calling apps are revealing IP addresses. So be sure to check your settings and deactivate peer-to-peer to make sure your calls are relayed through the company servers and not directly connected to the other person.


While your IP address can’t technically be hacked, it can be used for other hacking pursuits.

Now that the misconception has been cleared up and you understand what it could be used for and the motives behind it, you can better prepare yourself to combat the risks.

If someone has your IP address, you could find yourself surveilled or on the receiving end of attacks, which could be costly, both financially and emotionally speaking.

The best advice is to use security tools to your advantage and keep your wits about you, practicing good online safety to keep your IP address digitally secure.

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