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Home remedies for constipation – quick relief

Constipation is a widespread problem. Around 5-15% of people suffer from it. Women are affected more often than men. There are many causes, from lack of exercise to stress.

Signs of constipation are infrequent bowel movements and abdominal pain. These problems can have a major impact on life. Fortunately, there are natural remedies.

The German Nutrition Society recommends 30 g of fiber daily. Foods such as linseed and prune juice can help. Green kiwis and grapes also have a laxative effect.

If constipation persists, you should consult a doctor. Especially if blood appears in the stool. Then there are special laxatives, such as lactulose or bisacodyl.

Key findings

  • Constipation affects 5-15% of the population, especially women
  • High-fiber diet promotes healthy digestion
  • Natural laxatives such as linseed or psyllium can help
  • A visit to the doctor is recommended if symptoms persist
  • Various types of laxatives are available

Typical signs of constipation at a glance

Constipation manifests itself in various ways. It is important to recognize these signs early on.

Recognize physical complaints

With constipation, the stool is hard and dry. You have to push hard to get rid of it. A feeling of not being completely empty is also typical.

This can be accompanied byabdominal pain and a hardened abdomen.

Frequency of bowel movements

The frequency of bowel movements is an important indicator. Some people with constipation only have bowel movements three times a week. If this continues for more than three months, it is called chronic constipation.

Understanding accompanying symptoms

In addition to stool frequency, bloating and nausea can occur. These symptoms make the discomfort worse. In severe cases, constipation can be life-threatening, especially with fever and severe vomiting.

Symptom Symptom Description Frequency
Hard stools Dry, lumpy consistency In 25% of those affected
Infrequent bowel movements Less than 3 times a week Defining for chronic constipation
Incomplete evacuation Feeling of not being finished In 25% of those affected
Abdominal pain Feeling of pressure, cramps Frequent accompanying symptom

Home remedies for constipation and their effects

There are many natural remedies for constipation. They are easy to find and mostly safe. They can bring relief.

Natural swelling remedies

Linseed, psyllium and wheat bran help to improve bowel movements. They make the stool more voluminous. This makes evacuation easier.

Studies show that 10 grams of psyllium husks a day can almost double the volume of stool.

Laxative foods

Plum juice is laxative due to its high fiber content. Green kiwis and grapes can also stimulate digestion. Dried fruit such as figs or apricots have a mild laxative effect.

Herbal remedies

Sauerkraut juice is good for intestinal health. It contains probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Half a tablespoon to a tablespoon of castor oil in the morning can also have a laxative effect.

With all home remedies, it is important to drink plenty of fluids.

Home remedy Recommended amount Effect
Psyllium husks 10 g daily Doubling of the stool volume
Castor oil 0.5-1 tablespoon in the morning Laxative effect
Milk sugar 1-4 tablespoons in liquid Osmotic effect
Sauerkraut juice 100-200 ml daily Probiotic effect

Proper nutrition for prevention

A balanced diet helps to prevent constipation. The German Nutrition Society says that we should eat at least 30 grams of fiber every day. For constipation it is even 35 grams.

A high-fiber diet

Wholemeal products, fruit, vegetables and pulses are great for digestion. Foods with more than five grams of fiber per 100 grams are particularly good. For example, a lunch of lentils and vegetables contains around 13 grams of fiber.

Adequate fluid intake

We should drink at least two and a half liters of water a day. Sweetened drinks and alcohol are best avoided. A cup of coffee can stimulate digestion for many people.

High-fiber diet

Foods that aid digestion

Low-sugar fruit such as apples and berries are good. Plums, kiwis and grapes also aid digestion. Fermented products such as sauerkraut and healthy oils such as linseed oil or olive oil also help.

Foodstuffs Fiber content (per 100g) Recommendation
Wholemeal bread 8g Recommended
Apples 2g Recommended
Lentils 8g Highly recommended
White flour products 2g Not recommended
Nuts 7g Recommended (unsalted)

Exercise and lifestyle adjustments

Physical activity is very important to prevent constipation. In Germany, around 10 to 15 percent of adults suffer from it. Regular exercise and walks improve bowel function and help to prevent constipation.

Stress reduction and good sleep hygiene are also important for digestion. Chronic stress can disrupt bowel function. It is therefore good to learn relaxation techniques. A balanced toilet routine and reacting immediately to the urge to defecate can also help.

Physical activity to aid digestion

Here are some practical tips for improving bowel health:

  • Include at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily
  • Perform abdominal massages in a clockwise direction to stimulate bowel activity
  • Avoid sitting for long periods and incorporate exercise breaks into your daily routine
  • Eat a high-fiber diet with around 400 grams of vegetables and two portions of fruit per day
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid daily

Switching to whole grain products can aid digestion. Wholemeal bread, pasta and rice are good options. A breakfast cereal made from wholegrain flakes, fresh fruit, linseed and nuts is high in fiber and a good start to the day.

Effective immediate measures for acute constipation

There are simple ways to get quick help with constipation. These methods help to stimulate the bowels and improve bowel movements.

Warm water on an empty stomach

Warm water in the morning is a simple home remedy. A glass of lukewarm water can stimulate the bowels and aid digestion.

Abdominal massage and relaxation techniques

Clockwise abdominal massages can stimulate the bowels. Combined with relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, this helps to relieve constipation. These techniques support the natural movement of the bowels.

Timing of bowel evacuation

The gastrocolic reflex begins about 30 minutes after eating. Use this natural process to empty your bowels. Plan your toilet visits accordingly and give your body the time and rest it needs.

Immediate measure Effect How to use
Warm water Stimulates bowel movement 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach
Abdominal massage Stimulates bowel movement Gentle clockwise circular movements
Gastrocolic reflex Natural intestinal stimulation Use 30 minutes after meals

If problems persist or symptoms such as blood in the stool occur, it is important to consult a doctor. Laxatives should only be taken after consulting a doctor. They can impair natural bowel function in the long term.


A holistic approach is important for intestinal health. Fiber, drinking enough and exercise are the basis. Natural remedies such as linseed or warm water also help.

Many Germans suffer from constipation. Simple remedies such as sauerkraut juice or psyllium seeds can help. But if the problem persists, you should see a doctor.

To improve bowel health in the long term, you need a healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction. This can not only prevent constipation, but also improve your well-being.


What are the most common signs of constipation?

Signs of constipation include fewer bowel movements (less than three times a week). You will also notice if the stool is hard or dry. Difficulty passing stools and abdominal pain are also common.A feeling that you have not completely defecated is another sign. Flatulence can also be a sign.

Which natural swelling agents help with constipation?

Linseed, psyllium and wheat bran are good natural remedies. They bind water in the bowel and soften the stool. This promotes movement in the bowel.It is important to take these remedies with plenty of water.

How can I prevent constipation through diet?

A diet rich in fiber helps. Eat wholemeal products, fruit, vegetables and pulses. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day to aid digestion.

What role does exercise play in preventing constipation?

Exercise is important for digestion. It stimulates intestinal activity. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, for example by walking or cycling.

Are there any quick immediate measures for acute constipation?

Yes, some quick measures are: Drink warm water on an empty stomach. A gentle abdominal massage can help. Eating or drinking can stimulate the gastrocolic reflex.In emergencies, prune juice or sauerkraut juice can provide relief.

When should I see a doctor if I am constipated?

See a doctor if the constipation lasts longer than two weeks. Medical advice is also important if you experience severe pain, blood in your stool or unexplained weight loss.If there are sudden changes in bowel habits or if home remedies do not help, you should consult a doctor.

How can stress affect constipation and what can I do about it?

Stress can disrupt bowel function and lead to digestive problems. Use relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to reduce stress. Good sleep hygiene and regular breaks in everyday life support bowel health.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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