Everyday life

How much leave am I entitled to: Overview table 2025

In 2025, you may be wondering how many vacation days you will have. In Germany, there is a law on vacation for employees. It ensures that you have enough time to relax.

The law says that if you work 6 days a week, you get at least 24 working days’ vacation. If you work 5 days a week, you get 20 days. You have to work for at least six months to get your vacation. Many employers give you even more vacation than the law stipulates.

Part-time employees get their vacation according to the days they work. There are also special rules for young people and the severely disabled. It is important that you know what you are entitled to as an employee.

Key findings

  • Statutory minimum vacation: 24 working days for a 6-day week
  • 20 vacation days for a 5-day week
  • Full vacation entitlement after 6 months of employment
  • Part-time employees have pro rata entitlement
  • Special regulations for young people and severely disabled persons

Legal basis for vacation entitlement

The Federal Leave Act is important for leave entitlement in Germany. It guarantees all employees a minimum amount of leave, regardless of whether they work part-time or full-time.

Federal Leave Act and minimum leave

The law gives everyone who works 6 days a week 24 days’ leave. Those who work 5 days a week get 20 days. Many companies even offer 30 days of vacation on a voluntary basis.

Special regulations for vulnerable groups

There are special rules for certain groups. Severely disabled people get 5 additional days’ leave. Young people have 25 to 30 days’ leave, depending on their age. These rules protect particularly hard-working employees.

Vacation calculation for different working models

Leave is calculated on a pro rata basis for part-time and full-time employees. Mini-jobbers are also entitled to vacation. The calculation is based on the number of working days per week.

Work model Vacation entitlement
Full-time (5-day week) 20 days minimum vacation
Part-time (3-day week) 12 days minimum vacation
Mini job (1-day week) 4 days minimum vacation

Special leave is available if you are unable to work through no fault of your own. Leave not taken can be carried over until March 31 of the following year. You can receive vacation pay in lieu of notice.

How much vacation am I entitled to Table

The vacation table shows you your vacation entitlement at a glance. Your entitlement to rest depends on your weekly working days. Let’s take a look at the details.

Vacation entitlement by working days per week

Your vacation entitlement varies depending on your working hours. If you work a 5-day week, you are entitled to 20 days’ vacation. If you work six days, your entitlement increases to 24 days. The following table gives you an overview:

Working days per week Vacation entitlement per year
1 4
2 8
3 12
4 16
5 20
6 24

Additional leave for severely disabled persons

Severely disabled employees receive an additional 5 days’ leave per year. This entitlement is in addition to your regular vacation entitlement and provides extra recovery time.

Vacation entitlement for trainees

Special rules apply to trainees. Your vacation entitlement depends on your age. With a 5-day week, you can expect 25 to 30 days of vacation. You can find out the exact number from your training company.

Remember: if you work during the year, your vacation will be calculated pro rata. This ensures that you get a fair amount of time off, no matter when you start or stop working.

The vacation is annual:

  • at least 30 working days (25 working days) if the young person is under the age of 16 at the start of the calendar year
  • at least 27 working days (23 working days) if the young person is under the age of 17 at the start of the calendar year
  • at least 25 working days (21 working days) if the young person is not yet 18 years old at the beginning of the calendar year

Special vacation regulations in the employment relationship

There are special situations in working life that affect vacation entitlement. We look at the most important rules for probationary periods, parental leave and dismissal.

Leave during the probationary period

You build up your vacation entitlement during the probationary period. You receive one twelfth of your annual leave per month. After six months, you are entitled to the full annual leave. With a 5-day week, this is at least 20 days.

Vacation entitlement probationary period

Vacation entitlement during parental leave and maternity leave

Leave continues to accumulate during parental leave. The employer can reduce your leave by one twelfth per month. Your leave entitlement remains unchanged during maternity leave.

Leave arrangements in the event of termination

If you are dismissed, you must take your remaining leave or have it paid out. Important: After six months of employment, you are entitled to your full annual leave, even if you are dismissed.

Situation Vacation regulations
Probationary period 1/12 of the annual leave per month
Parental leave Reduction of 1/12 per month possible
Maternity protection Full vacation entitlement remains
Notice of termination Take or pay outremaining vacation


Vacation planning is important for employees in Germany. They have 24 working days of vacation per year if they work 6 days a week. If you work 5 days a week, that’s 20 days.

Many employers give more vacation. On average, full-time employees have 28.3 days of vacation.

How much vacation you get depends on your working hours. Part-time employees get less, depending on how many days they work. Vacation also varies depending on the industry and size of the company.

The capital goods industry offers the most vacation, 30.5 days. In the hotel and catering industry it is less, only 26.2 days.

Employers must give more than just the minimum amount of leave. They must also calculate and transfer leave correctly. Since 2023, they have to point out expiring leave.

These changes show how important vacation planning and management are. They help to protect employee rights and improve operations.


How many vacation days am I legally entitled to?

You are entitled to 24 working days if you work 6 days a week. This corresponds to 20 working days for 5 days. This applies to full-time jobs. For part-time jobs, the vacation is calculated according to your hours.

When am I entitled to the full annual leave?

After 6 months of work, you are entitled to the full vacation. Before that and if you work part-time, your leave is pro rata.

Do special vacation regulations apply to minors and severely disabled persons?

Yes, minors have 25-30 vacation days depending on their age. Severely disabled persons receive an additional 5 days per year.

How is my vacation entitlement calculated if I work part-time?

If you work part-time, your vacation is calculated according to the number of days you work per week. For example, 12 days for 3 days.

Can my employer grant more vacation than required by law?

Yes, employers can grant more leave than required by law. This often happens in collective agreements or employment contracts.

What about my leave entitlement during parental leave?

Your employer can reduce your leave during parental leave by 1/12 per month. However, the basic leave remains.

What happens to my remaining leave in the event of termination?

If you are dismissed, you must take or pay your remaining vacation. Clarify this with your employer in good time.

How much leave am I entitled to as an apprentice?

Depending on their age, trainees receive 25-30 vacation days. The exact amount depends on your age.

Will my vacation entitlement change if I switch from full-time to part-time?

Yes, your vacation entitlement changes when you switch. It is calculated according to your new working days.

Am I entitled to vacation during the probationary period?

Yes, you are also entitled to vacation during the probationary period. However, the full vacation only comes after 6 months.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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