
Amazon wants to build a large cloud structure in Mexico

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become an important source of income for the tech group in recent years. In order for the Amazon subsidiary to meet its increased demand, it also needs to create new server infrastructure. The company has found what it is looking for in Mexico. Amazon wants to invest billions of US dollars there. The US company is thus following a current trend in the industry.

Amazon Web Services invests 5 billion US dollars

At the end of February, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced that it would be building a new server infrastructure in Mexico. The construction of the new facilities in tranquil Queretaro is expected to cost a whopping 5 billion US dollars. It shouldn’t be too long before the new facilities are up and running. According to the tech group, it should be ready as early as 2025. At least that’s what the official press release issued by Amazon says.

Cloud services naturally also require sufficient space for large server systems

But of course the high investment sum should not be burnt up in one go. Over the next 15 years, the tech giant wants to invest the money bit by bit in the systematic development on site. The aim is to “offer developers, start-ups, entrepreneurs and companies as well as government, educational and non-profit organizations a wider choice for running their applications and supporting end users via data centers in Mexico”.

Mexico is becoming a trending region

It seems that more and more large US companies are looking for a location in Mexico. And there is some truth to this assumption. In the industry, this development is known as nearshoring. The focus is on the corporate desire to no longer outsource important infrastructure to the other side of the world. Mexico is a popular destination for US tech companies – and not just for Amazon. Tesla is also planning to build large factories in the Central American country. There are also political vehicles behind this. Thanks to a free trade zone between Mexico, the USA and Canada, it is particularly profitable to invest here. Amazon is not the only one to benefit from this. The Mexican economy is also hoping for a boost.

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