
Android 12: Fancy beta with smart features

Google has released a beta of Android 12. Besides a completely redesigned interface, the company also wants to score with new features. However, some features that are supposed to be available in the finished Android 12 cannot be used in the beta version yet. Nevertheless, you can already take a look at the extensive customization options.

Announcement at developer conference

Google has again used classic ways to draw attention to the upcoming beta of Android 12. As we don’t know it any other way from the giant internet company, it again used its I/O to present the state of affairs. The Android inventor is particularly proud of the new design language of his operating system for smartphone and tablet. The so-called “Material You” is supposed to be characterized by its extensive customizability in particular. Even the already very popular “Material Design”, which is still applied to Android now, is supposed to be eclipsed by it. The beta of the now 12th generation of the operating system is supposed to make a start on the in-house Pixel smartphones.

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But other manufacturers should also be able to enjoy the digital “guinea pig”. However, it has turned out that they have some problems installing the beta so far. However, Google wants to fix the problem soon. If you take a look at the Android 12 beta, you will immediately notice the visual changes. However, you should not expect too much in terms of features from the beta. If you want to install the trial version, everything else is complicated. You only have to register with the corresponding program and can then install a suitable update via the control panel as usual. You don’t have to worry about your data. Nothing is deleted here.

Color and shape diversity for your smartphone

The Android 12 beta impresses with a changed appearance already at the first boot after installation. For example, the design of the PIN input now looks a bit different. As we already know from iOS, Android now also uses a circular border for the individual digits. Once the smartphone is unlocked, you immediately feel at home. Obviously, not much has changed on the home screen. The situation is different in the notification bar. Here, you no longer see the now almost iconic six icons for Bluetooth & instead, you now find “only” four icons. Especially for average users, who cannot do anything with half of the small icons anyway, this step is understandable. Of course, the slimmed-down selection can also be expanded. If you pull the bar down further, the number of icons doubles to eight.

The beta is primarily aimed at owners of the Google Pixel.


With the help of the handy edit button, you can change the various icons to suit your mood. In addition to the icons, you can also see the brightness slider. This is now much thicker than it is in the current Android version. If you change the brightness, the rest of the icons are unfortunately no longer hidden. Thus, it cannot be seen directly how the brightness change affects the home screen. This feels a bit like a downgrade. Hopefully, this will be changed in the finished Android 12. The newly introduced “Extra Dim” button is again practical. You first adjust the corresponding brightness in the system settings. Afterwards, it should serve as a dark standard, especially in bed in the evening or in dark surroundings.

Transparency adé

Android 12 also wants to rely on different sections for notifications. The sorting ensures that you always keep track. However, something looks different. So Google has unceremoniously put transparency here ad acta. Now the background of the home screen is no longer visible. In general, the color selection is a bit more subdued than it is still the case in Android 11. Mainly rich pastel tones determine the design. You can change the color according to your mood in the newly introduced design menu. This already brings us to the big advantage that Google wants to bring with its Material You. As the name suggests, everyone should be able to create their own personal design. Many customization options can be made. If you do not want to do that, you can simply use the preset designs.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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