
E-prescription in Germany: introduction delayed at the turn of the year

Actually, the e-prescription in the health sector was supposed to come at the beginning of 2022, replacing the old pink prescription from doctors. But the introduction of the electronic prescription has been delayed yet again. The technology is simply not yet available.

E-prescription comes later

The Federal Ministry of Health is halting the introduction of the e-prescription at the turn of the year, according to a letter from the ministry to dpa dated December 20, 2021. It had become clear that “the necessary technical systems are not yet available across the board,” the letter said.

Thus the confirmation follows the message on the part of the Pharmacy adhoc, which also reported a postponement of the introduction of the e-prescription. A technical availability was a mandatory requirement for the launch, it said.

Now “the controlled test and pilot operation is to be gradually continued and expanded in the coming weeks,” a spokesman for the ministry is quoted as saying. When the electronic prescription should ultimately become mandatory, is currently still unclear.

The letter was addressed to the company Gematik responsible for the e-prescription, whose shareholders include the German Medical Association, the umbrella organization of statutory health insurers and the Federal Ministry of Health.

E-prescription test phase underway

The e-prescription has already been tested for some time, with the test phase being extended again as recently as September. Originally, the commitment was to go over as early as the fourth quarter of 2021, but then had to be postponed until the turn of the year.

After the extended test phase expired, however, the Gematik shareholders warned against the introduction of the e-prescription just a few days ago. By the end of November, far fewer than the necessary 1,000 prescriptions had been issued.

In addition, neither the number of participating systems in doctors’ and dentists’ offices and pharmacies nor the number of participating health insurance companies in the test had been reached. A mandatory rollout is currently too early, the report adds.

Printing with QR code possible

Even if the e-prescription is mandatory, patients can still request a printed version of their prescription. This then features a QR code that can be read and used by pharmacies.

Since July 1, 2021, a corresponding app has been available for download in the app stores of Apple, Google and Huawei, which also enables direct forwarding to a mail-order pharmacy.

However, the basic requirement, which is currently still lacking, is a health card with an NFC interface and the associated PIN, which is not yet available to many insured persons. This is required to use all the functions of the e-prescription app. Only the scanning and presentation of an electronic prescription for the pharmacy is possible.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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