
Facebook tests live chat support

Facebook is testing live chat support on a smaller scale for users who do not have access to their account. In addition, a live chat is being tested to support Creator users. It is not known when or if the feature will be released in German-speaking countries.

More support planned

The current tests seem to be the prelude of a development towards a closer support, which is to serve above all also Creator users. This is indicated, for example, by the fact that other smaller innovations will be introduced in addition to the live chat. For example, it will be easier for users who run pages to delete certain comments or prevent them from the outset. It will also be easier to block certain commenters.

Two live chat features

The focus of the test series, however, is on the two live chats. Company employees use the chat to answer questions from users who do not have access to their accounts. This also includes handling questions about suspensions or clarification in the event of a temporary suspension due to suspicious activity. This function is currently only being tested in English-speaking countries, and even there it is not being tested across the board.

In addition, a further live chat function is being tested that is aimed exclusively at users of the Creator Studio. If you have been invited to the test phase, you will now find a separate section where you can have a live chat with Facebook employees. The main purpose of the chat is to provide advice on how to use the Creator Studio and on any difficulties that may arise. The meta group (previously also called Facebook) is also making this function available on Instagram.

Initially, only people from the English-speaking world will be invited. The test is to start with a relatively small number of people, which will be gradually expanded.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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