
Hamburg: From 2025 only emission-free cabs

Hamburg has set itself an ambitious goal. As the first German federal state, the Hanseatic city wants to register only cabs that drive without an internal combustion engine from the year 2025.

Hamburg becomes a pioneer of clean inner cities

When it comes to the topic of low-emission road traffic in inner cities, Hamburg has been considered a pioneer for quite some time. Driving services also make this clear. In the city-state, for example, 12 percent of cabs already run without combustion engines. And the proportion is set to increase even further in the near future. The metropolis wants to achieve this through new licensing restrictions. According to Anjes Tjarks (Greens), only emission-free vehicles with electric or hydrogen engines are to be registered from 2025.

This is intended to bring about a rapid energy turnaround in the transport sector. The transport senator has presented some impressive figures. The Hanseatic city alone is already saving 2,000 tons of harmful carbon dioxide per year. And that is only due to a 12 percent share of green cabs. If all cabs were to be converted, an annual reduction of 25,000 tons would be possible. In this way, Hamburg not only wants to help its own city achieve cleaner air. On top of that, the city wants to lead the way as a positive example in Germany and also Europe.

Hamburg shows the cabs of the future

The Hanseatic city is already showing itself to be a real role model when it comes to green road traffic in the city center. Here, for example, one not only has the option of using MOIA, one of many all-electric minibuses, to get from A to B. The city also has a taxi service. On top of that, the Hanseatic city is doing everything it can to welcome even more passengers on buses, trains and ferries operated by the Hamburg Transport Association (hvv). To this end, hvv Any, an uncomplicated ticket purchase option, was recently set up in the public transport system to encourage even bus and rail passengers to use the “public transport”.

But from the point of view of Hamburg’s politicians, the classic cab also needs to be thought of in modern terms. In 2021, the city launched the “Future Taxi” project specifically for this purpose. Here, Hamburg financially supported the changeover of cab companies from combustion engine fleets to new, emission-free vehicles. In the entire cab fleet, more than 350 conversions to green engine technology have already taken place in this way. Of these, probably 25 are using hydrogen. This clearly puts the Hanseatic city in first place in a nationwide comparison.

Approval also from cab companies

In times of Uber, MOIA, car sharing and e-scooters is certainly also in Hamburg the classic cab slowly but surely doomed. Accordingly, the industry is happy to receive support in switching to newer technologies in order to increase its own attractiveness. The companies are not only hoping for more passengers in “green” cabs. On top of that, according to Tjarks, initial studies already show that e-taxis are also significantly cheaper to maintain. Thomas Lohse, CEO of Hansa Taxi, is therefore also firmly convinced “that the future of our industry is electric.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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