
Ireland: Power consumption of data centers continues to rise

The ever-increasing power consumption of data centers in Ireland is a cause for concern. According to forecasts, this consumption could soon exceed the total electricity requirements of the Irish population. This development raises questions about sustainability and the country’s future energy supply.

The most important facts in brief

  • Forecast: Data centers could soon consume more electricity than the Irish population.
  • Sustainability: Concerns about long-term energy supply and environmental impact.
  • Solutions: Discussions on sustainable energy sources and efficiency measures.

Increasing demand for computing capacity

Digitalization and the rapid increase in data traffic are driving the expansion of data centers worldwide. In Ireland, a popular location for large technology companies, this development has taken on a particular dynamic. Ireland’s attractiveness lies in its favorable tax environment and good connections to transatlantic fiber optic cables. These factors have led to many global tech giants such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft locating their data centers here.

Forecasts and impact

According to the Irish Examiner report, data centers consumed more electricity than all Irish homes combined for the first time in 2023. While private households accounted for 18 percent of total consumption, data centers were responsible for 21 percent. These figures illustrate the enormous growth and potential challenges for the national power grid. However, according to estimates from Ireland’s National Energy and Climate Plan, this is far from the end of the story. By 2027, data centers are expected to consume 31 percent of all electricity.

Sustainability and environmental impact

The massive power consumption of data centers not only raises questions about the energy supply, but also about the environmental impact. Although many companies rely on renewable energy, the overall demand is so high that additional measures are required. There is increasing pressure on operators to improve their energy efficiency and implement innovative solutions such as the use of waste heat or the use of artificial intelligence to optimize energy consumption.

Solutions and future prospects

In order to cope with rising energy demand and ensure sustainability, politicians and industry are focusing on several strategies. The focus is on expanding renewable energies, particularly wind and solar energy. In addition, investments in grid infrastructure and storage technologies are considered necessary to ensure security of supply.

The further development of energy-efficient technologies and processes in the data centers themselves is also of crucial importance. Another approach could be the geographical diversification of data centers in order to reduce the burden on individual regions. The need for regulatory measures to control energy consumption and promote sustainable practices is also being discussed.


The increasing power consumption of data centers in Ireland is a complex problem that requires a combination of technological, regulatory and economic solutions. Balancing the need for digital infrastructure with the sustainability of energy supply will be critical for the future. Policymakers and industry must work together to find innovative solutions to enable sustainable digitalization for Ireland and the world.

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