
Layoffs at Vodafone: 1&1 recruits laid-off employees

The corporate development of Vodafone and 1&1 could hardly be more different. While one is pursuing a tough cost-cutting course, the other is focusing on uncompromising expansion – even if this is sometimes costly. Now 1&1 seems to be benefiting from Vodafone’s savings in personnel costs. After all, the telecommunications service provider is recruiting potential employees on Linkedin who were previously made redundant by the competition.

Vodafone criticizes job advertisements

The world is currently upside down for almost 2,000 Vodafone employees. As we reported last week, the telecommunications service provider was forced to lay off many of its own employees due to extensive cost-cutting measures. However, it is possible that they could quickly find a new job. And that at competitor 1&1.

The latter is currently trying to poach the departing Vodafone employees without further ado. Job advertisements for 1&1 are appearing right next to reports of redundancies at Vodafone. Vodafone considers this behavior to be anything but appropriate and speaks on Linkedin of a cheap “HR measure on the fate of 2,000 people”.

A comment from 1&1 on the career network also leads to the conclusion that the placement of the job advertisements did not appear by chance alongside the redundancy announcements. Kurt Schlager, Head of Human Resources at 1&1, wrote: “As always in life: If one door closes and talented people have to leave, the other opens where the most modern mobile network in Europe is being built.”

Great demand at 1&1

Following his statement, he immediately linked to the job vacancies at 1&1. And not without reason. After all, the company is currently on the lookout for new staff to help with the development of new projects. Above all, the ambitious Open RAN network, including extensive 5G expansion, requires a lot of specialists.

As 1&1 has the smallest mobile network of its own globally, there is quite simply a lot of catching up to do in order to keep up with the competition. The indignation on the part of Vodafone culminates in Alexander Leinhos, Head of Communications at Vodafone, emphasizing that he has “never seen so little decency” in a decade.

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