
Mastercard is working on facial recognition during the payment process

PIN or NFC chip were yesterday. The credit card company Mastercard wants to use biometric authentication soon. Here, the face or hand will serve as the key.

Payment without smartphone or PIN

We now take it for granted that we can unlock our smartphone or notebook using facial recognition. Mastercard now wants to go one step further and even make payment transactions possible via facial recognition. The company has started global trials for this. The company wants to use retail outlets in a wide variety of locations around the world as a test setup. The system, which uses a smile or a waving gesture to authenticate the payment transaction, is likely to be used initially at self-checkout counters. The whole thing should be possible if you verify yourself in advance with the appropriate app. Once this has been done, a fast payment process without a credit card or smartphone should no longer be a problem. The first regions with corresponding pilot projects are South America, Asia and the Middle East.

A real development boost from Corona

The idea of using your face or a hand gesture to pay is certainly not just about saving time. On top of that, this is an extremely hygienic payment process. After all, you don’t have to type in a number or sign your name with a pen. All you have to do is look into a camera. This is also made clear by a market analysis commissioned by Mastercard. According to the credit card provider, there will be a huge demand for just such systems in the next few years. According to Mastercard, they could then be used not only for payment. Customer programs such as Payback could also be used more conveniently.

However, as is often the case with new methods of authentication, issues such as security standards and, above all, data protection will also be relevant here. After all, the faces of the registered persons have to be stored somewhere. Where they are stored, there is also likely to be a link to the associated credit card data. You might think that cybercriminals would find this a good target. To dispel such concerns right from the start, Mastercard emphasizes that it will work together with all parties involved to achieve very high security standards. This applies not only to the company where the payment is made, but also to the customer’s bank.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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