
Neuralink: Patient plays chess with thoughts alone

Neuralink has presented the first evidence of how its brain chips work. A patient is said to have played a game of online chess using only the power of his thoughts. The curious thing is that the patient is paralyzed from the shoulder down.

Neuralink sends proof via video stream

As recently as February, we reported that a test candidate from Neuralink controlled a computer mouse using only his thoughts. Now the start-up for pioneering brain chip technology has once again demonstrated the possibilities. In a stream on X, Elon Musk’s tech company showed how a 29-year-old man, paralyzed from the shoulder down, plays a game of chess. All by the power of thought alone. The whole thing is particularly impressive when you realize that the implant was only inserted in January of this year.


However, the stream was not just about the possibilities that arise with the inserted chip. The operation was also discussed. According to test candidate Noland Arbaugh, it was “super easy”. He was able to leave the hospital after just one day. There were apparently no side effects. At least he emphasizes that there were “no cognitive impairments”. But there was also self-criticism from the start-up. Apparently they are still working on the signal transmission between the chip and the control unit. There should still be room for improvement here.

Finally playing Civilization IV again

Neuralink’s vision is very clear. In the coming years, the company wants to improve the chip to such an extent that it may one day be able to help paralyzed people to walk again or restore sight to blind people. However, the project is currently at a level that other companies have already achieved with comparable technology. Arbaugh will probably remain paralyzed for the time being. Nevertheless, Neuralink has obviously put a smile on his face.

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He was finally able to play “Civilization IV” again. He took full advantage of this by playing for eight hours straight, according to his own statements. However, despite all the positive images from the stream, it is important to remember the criticism that Neuralink has faced. In the first test phase, around 1,500 test animals had to lose their lives. Let’s see when Neuralink’s next milestone will be made public.

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