
Recall campaign: BMW recalls Mini Cooper SE

In a surprise announcement, BMW has announced that all all-electric Mini Cooper SEs will be recalled worldwide. The reason for this recall is a potential fire hazard that could emanate from the vehicles’ batteries. This poses a significant challenge not only for BMW, but also for the owners of these popular electric vehicles, who are now unsettled and hoping for a solution.

Important information at a glance:

  • BMW is recalling all all-electric Mini Cooper SEs worldwide.
  • The cause is a potential fire hazard from the batteries.
  • Affected vehicles should no longer be used until the recall has been completed.
  • BMW is working on a quick solution and replacement of the affected components.

Details of the Mini Cooper SE recall

BMW is facing a massive challenge after it became known that the batteries in the all-electric Mini Cooper SE models may pose a fire hazard. As reported by the ADAC, a recall campaign is now pending, which will affect 39,000 vehicles in Germany alone. The potential fire hazard is due to a faulty battery component, which in rare cases can overheat and thus pose a considerable risk.

Vehicles produced and sold in recent years are affected. BMW has not yet released information on exactly how many vehicles are affected, but the recall is being carried out globally. The company has asked all owners to stop using their vehicles until the recall process is complete. For many drivers, this naturally means a considerable cut in their mobility.

What’s next for the Mini Cooper SE?

BMW has announced that it will inspect the affected vehicles as quickly as possible and replace the problematic battery components. The affected Mini Cooper SEs will then be checked and repaired in authorized workshops. Owners will receive appropriate notifications and instructions on how to proceed.

It is to be expected that this recall action will entail considerable costs for BMW, not only in terms of the repairs themselves, but also due to possible damage to the company’s image. Electric vehicles are already the focus of public attention, and safety defects like this could affect confidence in the technology.


The recall of all all-electric Mini Cooper SEs is a significant setback for BMW and electric mobility in general. While the company is working on a quick and comprehensive solution, all that remains for affected vehicle owners for the time being is to wait and see. It remains to be hoped that BMW will get the situation under control quickly and be able to get on with day-to-day business.

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