
Security gap: Apparent vulnerabilities in CPUs from AMD

Major alert at AMD. The chip manufacturer is warning its users about security vulnerabilities in several CPUs from its own product portfolio. However, it is already working feverishly on corresponding updates.

AMD warns of security vulnerabilities

Is a CPU from AMD at the heart of your PC? Then you should definitely take a look at the chip manufacturer’s latest security release. Here, the company points out security problems. Several of the manufacturer’s chips are affected. In the worst-case scenario, the four security vulnerabilities could allow attackers to upload malware to the system. The chip manufacturer classifies the vulnerabilities, all of which AMD considers to be high-risk, with the CVE entries CVE-2023-20576, CVE-2023-20577, CVE-2023-20579 and CVE-2023-20587.

Several chips are affected

The most serious aspect of the problem is that the vulnerabilities affect a large part of AMD’s product portfolio. The PC CPUs of the popular AMD Ryzen series are among those affected. More specifically, it affects the 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 series. However, processors used in data centers or mobile devices are also said to be affected by the problem. However, it must be emphasized that not all affected CPUs have all four security vulnerabilities.

Quick firmware update necessary

Naturally, the chip manufacturer is now working at full speed to find a solution to this far-reaching problem. Once a corresponding update has been completed, it will be made available for download immediately in order to minimize the risk of damage. To be on the safe side, AMD CPU owners should now regularly check for a suitable update for their BIOS. After all, it seems that the problem can only be solved by updating the corresponding software.

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