
Sony demonstrates VR glasses with 4K OLED display

Sony made an exciting foray into virtual reality at Technology Day. The company unveiled a prototype VR head-mounted display (HMD) that relies on small OLED displays with 4K resolution and is designed to enable real-time VR with particularly low latencies.

Tiny OLED displays in Sony VR goggles

The 4K displays complete with organic light-emitting diodes used in Sony’s VR-HMD prototype are based on the Japanese company’s experience with CMOS image sensors and display manufacturing.

Compared to a high-resolution, but unspecified smartphone display, this is said to be able to achieve twice the number of pixels in one-twentieth of the display size.

A picture from the Japanese website AV Watch shows the mini displays in direct comparison to a 10-yen coin that is only 23.5 mm in diameter. Overall, a 4K resolution is thus achieved for each eye individually, combined for both eyes Sony thus speaks of 8K.

In addition, the delay, i.e. the latency, is supposed to have been reduced considerably. According to Sony, this is to achieve high-resolution images in real time that correspond to the head movements. The processing time of the images should be less than 0.01 seconds.

Application also in entertainment

While the Sony VR prototype is not yet ready for the market, the company is already thinking about future areas of application. For example, the “OLED Microdisplay” is to be used for industrial applications such as machine design or in the medical field – for example, in the simulation of a complicated operation.

Sony is also considering its use in the entertainment sector. Is this perhaps the technology that will be used in Apple’s VR glasses, which are rumored for the coming year? Apple has already mentioned the use of 4K OLED microdisplays. We are curious.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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