
SpaceX presents new spacesuit

Even though SpaceX is currently struggling with failed rocket launches, tech billionaire Elon Musk’s space company is also busy behind the scenes with other products. The company has now unveiled its new spacesuit.

SpaceX spacesuit designed for outdoor missions

A spacesuit is essential if astronauts are to be able to spend time in space outside the spaceship. Elon Musk knows this too. As the controversial entrepreneur apparently expects demand to increase in this area, he has commissioned SpaceX to develop a new spacesuit. The results have now been presented and make a great impression, at least at first glance.

Strictly speaking, the suits are not a completely new development. Rather, according to SpaceX, it used the spacesuits from the Dragon mission as a basis. However, a lot is said to have changed, particularly in technical terms. The revised suits should not only allow you to move much better.

There is now also a head-up display. The astronaut will be able to use this to view important parameters. SpaceX has also equipped the spacesuit with a camera, which should make external monitoring easier. The revised pressure valves and seals are intended to ensure greater safety. This clearly shows the area of application for which the suits are designed.

Premiere is in sight

In theory, of course, the revision sounds very good. But SpaceX will soon be able to prove whether the suit is any good in practice. A space mission financed by billionaire Jared Isaacman is due to take place this summer. A total of four astronauts will spend five days on board the “Dragon” spacecraft built by SpaceX.

The suit will be put to the test when the astronauts leave the spacecraft as part of the mission. In space itself, it will then become clear whether the development was successful or whether there are still problems with the new spacesuits. If the premiere proves successful, it could be the start of something really big for SpaceX.

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So the space company told X that they want to mass produce the suit. Not just to make money. Rather, the long-term plan is to build a moon base and a city on Mars. This will of course require a lot of spacesuits.

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