Nowadays, many young people can’t do without social media. However, a study has now shown that doing without Instagram and the like apparently has extremely positive effects on body and soul.
Just one week of withdrawal is enough
It is an open secret that social networks have a certain addictive factor. Likes and thumbs trigger feelings of happiness in users, which is why many moments in life are captured and shared with followers. Conversely, followers cling to their smartphones and sometimes look enviously at the lifestyle of the big influencer icons.
But even if this appears to provide entertainment and good feelings, the use of social media such as Instagram or Facebook has been highly controversial for some time. At least in brain research. Several studies now suggest that this is not just a time waster. On top of that, the whole thing is particularly damaging to users’ psyche.
In Canada, for example, a study was carried out which found that young women in particular suffer a great deal of psychological stress. Here, the daily comparison with seemingly perfectly toned bodies leads to the development of impaired self-esteem. This is according to a report by However, this negative effect can be counteracted with just one week of deprivation.
Alternatives to social media
In the experimental setup, the scientists compared a total of 66 female students. They were divided into two groups. While one group was allowed to use social media as usual, the other was banned. According to the researchers themselves, they were very surprised by the results. After all, it is unusual to see such positive results in such a short space of time.
However, the scientists also agreed that it was not just the withdrawal from social media that had a positive effect. The alternative leisure activities were also beneficial. The time gained from not using Instagram and the like meant that the women had more time for other leisure activities.
In addition to more sport, it was above all the real meeting of friends that is likely to have provided a positive boost to their own psyche. Future studies will now show to what extent the withdrawal from social media alone is sufficient if no other factors such as a change in leisure activities are applied.