
TikTok ban at EU level seems possible

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen sees TikTok as a major threat. Accordingly, the EU politician is not ruling out the possibility of banning the service.

TikTok soon to be banned in the EU?

TikTok is currently on everyone’s lips. However, the short video portal is by no means being sung in praise. Rather, politicians see the social network as a threat to democracy steered from China. Accordingly, it is not only a ban in the USA that is currently being hotly debated. In our part of the world, too, there is a growing number of voices that are extremely critical of the service.

Ursula von der Leyen, one of the most important EU politicians, has now clearly expressed her view on the matter. She personally does not want to rule out a ban on the social network in the EU. She underpins this with the words “we know exactly what danger TikTok poses”. She also emphasized that the EU has taken a pioneering role in the strict handling of the social network.

After all, the EU Commission ensured some time ago that the app could not be used on company cell phones, as reported by Politico magazine. The fear of espionage was too great. Meanwhile, it should be noted that von der Leyen expressed her opinion on TikTok in connection with an election campaign appearance in Maastricht. A connection to her office as Commission President should not be drawn here.

What danger is von der Leyen talking about?

Outwardly, TikTok presents itself as a conventional social network or video portal that is particularly popular with young people. However, according to the authorities, TikTok is not only used as a practical spying tool that monitors its users. According to experts, the app’s algorithm could also be used to manipulate elections. The aim is to suggest videos that influence the user’s political opinion.

In view of the upcoming US and EU elections, this is of course a major risk. Furthermore, doctors see TikTok as a serious threat to children and young people and their mental health. In particular, the EU authorities have the offshoot TikTok Lite, which is also accessible to children, on their radar as it is said to violate the Digital Services Act (DSA) due to its addictive concept.

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EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen sees TikTok as a major threat. Accordingly, the EU politician is not ruling out the possibility of banning the service. TikTok soon to be banned in the EU? TikTok is currently on everyone’s lips. However, the short video portal is by no means being sung in praise. Rather, politicians see the social network as a threat to democracy steered from China. Accordingly, it is not only a ban in the USA that is currently being hotly debated. In our part of the world, too, there is a growing number of voices that are … (Weiterlesen...)

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