Instead of WhatsApp, Facebook and Co., more and more people are using the messaging service Telegram. But why is Telegram so popular? Above all, there are fewer restrictions imposed on users by Telegram. In the opinion of many, there is still real freedom of expression here.
Reason enough for some users to want to archive their data – and especially the chats on Telegram. However, this is not possible on the platform itself. Here, we have to use a little trick and simply export the data to be able to save it permanently afterwards. How to do that, you can learn here.
Retrieving and exporting your own data from Telegram (including exporting chat)
Your Telegram app stores a lot of information about you in the cloud. Below you’ll learn how to access it.
- To access your data, you first need to download the Telegram desktop app. You cannot access your data through the phone app itself.
- Open the Telegram desktop app and make sure you are logged in to your Telegram account.
- On the desktop app’s homescreen, click the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner to open the app menu. Once the menu opens, select “Settings.”
- On the screen that displays “Settings,” scroll down to the “Advanced” option, then select “Export Data.”
- When you select the “Export Data” option, you will see a number of categories that you can export each, including, for example, “Account Information,” “Private Chats,” and your contact list. Then simply select the categories you want to access. So to download your chats, you’ll need to select the “private chats” option here.
- Now you can choose the format in which you want to export your data. Choose either the human-readable HTML format or the machine-readable JSON format, and then click “Export”.
- Once you’ve clicked “Export”, the desktop application will compile the information you want. When this process is complete, you can click the “View My Data” button.
- After that, you have the option to save your data to the PC’s hard drive, an external hard drive, a USB stick, etc.
Useful tips for exporting
You now know the basic process to export your data – especially chats – from Telegram. However, there are still a few tips and tricks that you can use to make your life easier. We would like to share them with you.
Choosing the right format
If you want to access the Telegram backup through your browser, it’s best to choose the HTML format for easier navigation. When creating the backup, your chats will then even be backed up chronologically with time information and all linked media, smileys, etc.
View and find exported data
Once you’ve successfully downloaded your data, click “View Data” to access the download folder and any subfolders. To search your data, double-click on the “export_results.html” file in the browser. Use the keyword search to find your conversations.
Transfer Telegram messages to WhatsApp
There is no feature to share your chat history in WhatsApp on Telegram. To transfer your messages to WhatsApp chat, copy your chat history to the clipboard and then simply paste it into WhatsApp.
When switching devices: load chat history into the Telegram app
You use Telegram on a new device and want to access your chats with it? Then simply retrieve the chats via the Telegram cloud. To do this, you first need to back up your data in the app on the old device under “Saved”. You can then retrieve them from the same menu on the new device. Select the data, download it, and save it. From the Telegram app, you also have the option of uploading your data to the Google Cloud. You can then transfer them to the new device via Google Drive.
Telegram offers several advantages over other messenger services. One of the most important advantages is the focus on privacy and security. Communication between users is protected with end-to-end encryption by default. This means that only the people involved have access to the messages and third parties cannot access the content. Another advantage of Telegram is the possibility to have secret chats. In these chats, messages are provided with a self-destruct function, whereby they are automatically deleted after a certain time. This is especially useful for confidential conversations or exchanging sensitive information.
Another aspect that sets Telegram apart from other messenger services is its cloud-based message storage. All messages, media, and files are stored in the cloud, allowing users to access and sync their messages from different devices. Even if you change or lose your device, you can always access your chat history and continue conversations.
One problem some users have encountered in the past, however, is that chats aren’t saved directly in Telegram. However, with our guide, you can easily download them and save them to a device of your choice.