
Apple wants to introduce “Self Service Repair” in 2022

From 2022, Apple wants to enable its customers to repair their devices themselves – with original parts and tools. As part of “Self Service Repair”, you will be able to unscrew and “repair” your iPhone, iPad or Mac yourself. However, not everything is possible. The U.S. company speaks in particular of minor repairs that can be done by non-professionals.

US launch to be in early 2022

The iPhone inventor obviously wants to test its new repair service first. What could be better suited than the home country, the USA?! Already at the beginning of the coming year, owners of an Apple device in the land of unlimited possibilities are to be given the choice of whether or not they trust themselves with a repair. If the test run in the United States goes well, the so-called “Self Service Repair” will also be offered in our country. However, Apple will not require all the knowledge of its customers. Self-service repair is more about comparatively uncomplicated work, such as replacing a defective battery or repairing a display.

Finally repairing with original parts

Of course, resourceful tech experts have been able to repair their Apple devices in the past as well. However, they usually only had access to spare parts and tools from third-party manufacturers. This, too, is changing with Self Service Repair. After all, you can now install parts on and in your device that really come from Apple with a clear conscience. At the start of the new service, only selected devices will be covered. In particular, customers will be able to repair the 12th and 13th generation iPhones themselves. But other products are to follow. For example, Apple itself has already announced that the latest Macs with the in-house M1 processor will soon also be able to be repaired themselves.

At last, no more “workshop compulsion”

Jeff Williams, chief operating officer at Apple, reiterated the introduction of Self Service Repair:

“Creating greater access to genuine Apple parts gives our customers even more choice when a repair is needed.”

But quite obviously, the permission for self-repair should not only benefit the customers. So let Williams namely also through that the repairs by trained professionals cost the company from California any amount of money.

“In the last three years, Apple has nearly doubled the number of service locations with access to genuine Apple parts, tools and training, and now we’re offering an option for those who want to do their own repairs.”

Piece-by-piece parts expansion

We’ll start with parts that are mass-produced anyway – the iPhone’s display, battery and camera. The reason for mass production is quite simply that these components are by far among the most maintenance or repair-intensive of the entire Apple devices. Once this trial run is over, however, other components are to be made accessible as well. In addition to the replacement parts and tools, Apple also provides a suitable manual for the repair. So you save yourself the look in YouTube tutorial videos.

Shop with over 200 individual parts and tools

At first, Apple leaves the task of self-diagnosis to its customers. This is quite understandable. If you are confident enough to do your own repair, you should also be able to find out what the problem is. However, Apple will certainly make corresponding support pages that serve as diagnostic help available over time. Once the problem has been worked out, the way leads to the online store. This is supposed to come up trumps with over 200 original parts and tools. You can then order the parts you need for the repair there. According to Apple, the 200 parts alone should already be enough to carry out the most important repairs on the iPhone 12 or 13.

Apple hedges

If an end customer should make a mistake during the repair on his own, which you can not blame on the appropriate instructions, high damages can occur. Customers who opt for Self Service Repair simply have to live with this risk. In order to avoid hassle, Apple still recommends that you visit a certified Apple retailer or Apple Store if you have a damaged iPhone.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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