
Apple Watch threatens class action lawsuit

With the Apple Watch, Apple has pulled off the big trick. After all, the US company has the world’s most successful smartwatch in its portfolio with its stylish watch. Now, however, the flawless finish of the smart watch has been scratched. The reason for this is several users who fear they will suffer injuries from using an Apple Watch. Now these have filed a class action lawsuit.

Battery problems caused cracked displays

Apple Watch owners need to be quite strong now. Their gadget, which is loaded with extensive features, can become a real danger under certain circumstances. The reason for this is the integrated battery of the watch. This could prove to be a small bomb in the event of an expansion. As a result, you would not only suffer injuries on the wrist. On top of that, the display could turn out to be a razor-sharp projectile – at least that’s what the plaintiffs argue. However, this is probably not just a spun together would-be script of the latest movie from the Final Destination cosmos. Allegedly, one of the plaintiffs suffered just such an injury. As a result, even a vein in his arm is said to have been injured.

Is Apple keeping quiet about the problem?

The biggest accusation on the plaintiffs’ side is not the fact that such a fault can occur with the Apple Watch. Rather, they complain that Apple has kept quiet about this problem, so to speak, since the smartwatch was released in 2014. Security precautions have also not been taken since then. After various battery problems, the US company was probably also approached by some customers who were not injured by the display of the watch themselves. According to their statements, however, Apple did not want to repair the smartwatches free of charge. A third group of plaintiffs is annoyed about the purchase of the watch in retrospect.

If they had known that this potential source of danger existed in the form of the battery, they would not have picked up the smartwatch in the first place. At present, it is in the interest of the various plaintiffs to push through a class action lawsuit. Incidentally, this is by no means intended to refer to a specific model. Rather, the plaintiffs believe that the problem affects all Apple Watches. This is not the first time that Apple has been criticized for its smartwatch. Owners have complained about problems with the watch for quite some time. Accordingly, the company was also accused of already being extensively informed about the issue.

Apple rejects the blame

If the Apple Watch no longer works due to a defective battery, Apple has always refused a free repair. However, exceptions confirm the rule here as well. For example, there have been cases where the US company has extended its warranty. Now, however, the problem around the Apple Watch has come to a head. Therefore, we can possibly assume that Apple could treat the previous battery problem differently from now on. In particular, passing on the problem to the customer might be a thing of the past. The iPhone inventor has yet to make a public statement. Possibly the company just feels too safe. After all, several class action lawsuits about the Apple Watch have already been dismissed against Apple in the past.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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