
Cybersecurity: Security body warns of Russian attacks

Public statements from the Parliamentary Control Panel (PKGr) are extremely rare. Now, however, the secret service controllers have addressed the public with a worrying warning about Russian hacker attacks. Among other things, the focus is on the lack of cyber security.

Cyber security: “Massive espionage” on the part of Russia

In a public statement on Thursday, March 14, 2024, the PCGr warned of the dangers of the “hybrid war” that Russia is currently waging against the West in general and Germany in particular. The intelligence inspectors pointed out that there has been “massive espionage” for some time. This is not really new. After all, new attacks on Western cyber security have been coming to light ever since the start of the war in Ukraine a good two years ago. Both companies and public authorities are affected. Microsoft, for example, has been under constant cyberattacks since November 2023, which are suspected to be controlled by the Kremlin.


However, the PCGr points out that Russia’s digital arsenal of weapons has recently been significantly expanded once again. There are apparently ongoing attempts to “illegitimately influence politics, the economy and society at various levels”. It is not without reason that the intelligence service controllers are addressing the public as part of a Bundestag briefing. There is concern in the ranks of the committee “that the scope of the threat has not been and is not recognized by all those politically responsible or in society as a whole in Germany.”

Cybersecurity: social networks as an important factor

In the view of the PCGr, one of the main problems is that Russia now has many different options in its repertoire for waging a genuine hybrid war. For example, the public report mentions “extensive disinformation campaigns in the media, social networks and on platforms”. Furthermore, “massive propaganda via hack and leak operations” is said to be taking place. There has also been a massive increase in “espionage and cyber attacks” recently. On top of this, Russia is apparently financing extremist groups and influencing political decision-making and even elections.

Creating a better defense

The committee has turned to the public to draw attention to the sometimes massive shortcomings in the area of cyber security. Many companies and authorities still underestimate the dangers posed by Russian cyber attacks. However, the extensive influence on society and political decision-making must also be exposed and actively countered. All in all, the PCGr calls for Germany to become “much more robust, resistant and resilient” in this regard in the future.

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