
Deutsche Telekom: Automatic 5G upgrade for mobile customers

Are you still using an old LTE/4G contract with Deutsche Telekom? Then you should definitely not switch to an expensive 5G contract now. After all, Deutsche Telekom wants to upgrade all existing mobile customers to 5G. The cool thing about this is that it means no extra charge for the customers themselves.

Deutsche Telekom relies on 5G

Until now, anyone who wanted to use 5G had to pay more than comparable customers with a 4G/LTE contract for the same amount of data per month. From the provider’s point of view, this principle is obviously no longer up to date. After all, the company now wants to offer 5G to all its customers, as can be seen from a public announcement.

From today, private customers will therefore have the option of using 5G in addition to the usual access to the 4G network. While the free upgrade will affect all private customers, it will be somewhat more exclusive for business customers. Here, Deutsche Telekom wants to upgrade several, but not all tariffs to the 5G mobile communications standard.

In the meantime, 5G has become a standard feature of pretty much every mobile phone tariff. But there are also existing customers whose contracts have been running for several years. These tariffs usually still use 4G/LTE. According to Telekom, almost four million contracts are now affected by the upgrade.

More gifts for the European Championships

If you are one of the millions of customers affected, you must of course also have the appropriate hardware to benefit from 5G. Older devices that do not yet support the standard will of course not be able to offer 5G. So if nothing happens on your cell phone despite the announced upgrade, you should first find out about the device’s capabilities.

The free 5G upgrade is just a gift from Deutsche Telekom. The provider has another surprise in store just in time for the European Championships. Between June 14 and July 14, there will be a data flat rate for Deutsche Telekom customers. This can be booked at no extra charge via “Magenta Moments” in the “MeinMagenta” app. Telekom wants to offer the free flat rate for many different tariffs.

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Are you still using an old LTE/4G contract with Deutsche Telekom? Then you should definitely not switch to an expensive 5G contract now. After all, Deutsche Telekom wants to upgrade all existing mobile customers to 5G. The cool thing about this is that it means no extra charge for the customers themselves. Deutsche Telekom relies on 5G Until now, anyone who wanted to use 5G had to pay more than comparable customers with a 4G/LTE contract for the same amount of data per month. From the provider’s point of view, this principle is obviously no longer up to date. After … (Weiterlesen...)

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