
Developer Conference F8: Instagram Will Change

Instagram is no longer an app where only nice snapshots are shared. With the changes now announced, the service will move further away from the ideal of such an application.

Among other things, donation stickers will be introduced. These stickers make it possible to collect donations for selected organizations in Instagram Stories. The stories otherwise do not differ from the known ones – the appeal for donations disappears after 24 hours. According to Facebook, the donations collected in this way are to be forwarded to the respective beneficiary organisation without deductions.

Also new is the design mode, which allows you to use popular interactive elements and effects without uploading photos or videos. Instagram becomes a kind of photo editing program.

Another new feature – and a major focus of further development – is the opportunity to purchase products directly in the app. Over the years, Instagram has increasingly become an advertising and sales platform. More and more companies are presenting their products via Instagram. Until now, however, users had to leave the app to make a purchase. With the new update this should become unnecessary. Consumption will soon be possible directly in the Instagram app: Products shown on photos or in videos will then be purchased at the touch of a finger.

A cross-linking with WhatsApp and Facebook will also be introduced. The Instagram app can also be used to communicate with WhatsApp and Facebook users.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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