
Digital driving license now to be introduced in Germany

Norway already has it, the digital driving license. Now it should also soon be available in Germany.

Traffic control via Smartphone?

At an informal meeting of the EU Commission on Thursday, the European Minister of Transport clearly spoke out in favor of the digital driving license. In our country, the digital driver’s license is still a dream of the future, but in Norway it already exists. Norway has been using the digital driver’s license for some time now. With the help of an app, drivers can simply show their driving license. This is done by entering a personal code, which simply opens the page of the state traffic authority. Here, the details of the respective driving license are recorded. There is also a QR code that the police officers can quickly scan. After the Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer, Germany wants to follow suit. The whole thing should then work relatively easily with the smartphone. If the driver of the vehicle does not have his driving license with him, he can show the smartphone.

The CSU politician would be very pleased about the progress, he is taking people further in digitalization and showing the advantages. The EU Commission has also “clearly committed itself to the digital driver’s license,” said Andreas Scheuer. The EU Transport Commissioner also wants to make the future paperless. The Brussels authority is currently evaluating the EU Driving License Directive and adapting it as necessary. This adaptation could then directly include the digital driving license. The consultation did not take place on Thursday in Passung as usual, but via video conference due to the corona virus. However, the results of the meeting were then recorded in the Passau Declaration. The declaration was mainly concerned with digitization in the transport sector. An extract from the paper reads as follows: “Digital innovations such as virtual driving licenses and ticketing platforms must be interoperable in order to function throughout the EU”.

ADAC sees more convenience in digitization

The ADAC also welcomes the digitalization of the driving license. According to a spokeswoman for the traffic club, this will bring more convenience and a certain degree of consumer friendliness. However, it must be remembered that data protection requirements must be safeguarded. According to the spokeswoman, “it must also be ensured, in the interests of road safety, that a temporary withdrawal of a driver’s license or a driving ban is also displayed simultaneously.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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