
Driving an e-car is now also more expensive at Allego

The turn of the year is accompanied by a number of changes for drivers of e-cars and those who will become drivers. Not all of them are positive, such as the extension of the innovation premium. Anyone who wants to supply their vehicle with an electric motor with new energy at a charging station will now have to pay more. Alongside EnBW and Fastned, Allego is another major provider to increase its prices. On top of that, there is a new fast-charging option that the electricity supplier wants to make pay for with corresponding additional costs.

Saturated price increase

At the stroke of 0:00, Allego has increased its costs per kilowatt hour to 43 cents, just in time for the turn of the year. But not only the conventional 22 kilowatt-hour power supply has increased in price. On top of that, you can now opt for a charging capacity of 50 kilowatt hours. This should please all those who need to get up to speed quickly. What is not so pleasing, however, is that you now have to pay a hefty 65 cents per kilowatt hour to the provider for the fast-charging option. It gets really expensive if you want to charge more than 50 kilowatt hours. Then Allego namely demands a whopping 69 cents per kilowatt hour.

Additional costs (for the time being) only in Germany

Surprisingly, the price increase seems to primarily affect our countries for the time being. If one throws namely a view after Sweden, Great Britain or also our neighboring country Denmark, it looks completely differently. There, Allego is maintaining its previous prices. But it’s not just German e-car drivers who have to worry about higher costs. The situation is no different in the Netherlands, France and Belgium. We have listed the new prices for Allego.

Germany France Belgium Netherlands
AC (max. 22 kW) 43 cents 35 cents 39 cents 39 cents
DC (max. 50 kW) 65 cents 50 cents 65 cents 65 cents
DC (from 50 kW) 69 cents 55 cents 69 cents 69 cents

Matching the competition

If one takes a look at the other providers, it quickly becomes clear why Allego has decided to increase prices. After all, Fastned and EnBW have also recently increased their electricity costs for charging an electric car. Fastned, as an expert in fast-charging e-cars, decided to raise its prices back in November 2021. In doing so, the provider hit its most loyal customers in particular with a price increase of almost 29 percent. Subscribers to Fastned now have to pay 45 cents per kilowatt hour instead of the previous 35 cents. For occasional customers, the cost rose from 59 cents to 69 cents.

EnBW increased its prices as early as summer 2021.

EnBW started its price increase even earlier. Here you have to pay for the conventional tariff namely already since summer 2021 not only 39 cents, but 45 cents per kilowatt hour. For fast charging via direct current, the major provider now charges 55 cents instead of the previous 49 cents. Subscribers who pay €5.99 per month are now charged 36 cents instead of 29 cents for alternating current. For stronger direct current, EnBW increased its prices from 39 cents to 46 cents.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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