
DSA: EU wants to simplify monitoring of Telegram

Telegram does not yet meet the requirements to comply with the strict rules of the Digital Services Act. The EU is now examining whether the controversial messaging service can qualify as a large online platform after all.

Telegram in the focus of the EU

The Digital Services Act (DSA) stipulates stricter rules for large online platforms. These include big names such as Amazon, Meta and Google. Telegram, on the other hand, has so far been able to operate under the radar as the messenger could not be classified as a large online platform. According to a report by Bloomberg, the EU is now considering classifying the service as a large platform.

The regulatory authorities are currently trying to record the number of Messenger users. Officials are to obtain the necessary information in talks with Telegram itself. The number of active users is of course a decisive factor in the assessment as a large platform.

However, as Telegram is not just a messenger, but is also based on a structure with individual channels, it is apparently not so easy to work out the number of users. According to Telegram, there are currently just under 41 million active users. However, as the Bloomberg article points out, the EU doubts these figures.

Fight against fake news and disinformation

The messenger is on everyone’s lips, especially in the run-up to the European elections on June 9, 2024. And not in a good way. After all, it is an open secret that the platform is often used to spread fake news and disinformation. The Digital Services Act was created, among other things, to keep a closer eye on such platforms.

With 41 million users, Telegram is just shy of the 45 million users required by law. This is required for a service to be classified as a large platform. To be on the safe side once again, the EU therefore wants to take a closer look at Telegram’s counting method.

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