
Google Maps introduces speed display on iPhones

Google Maps has introduced a new function for iPhone users: the speed display. This extension is designed to help drivers keep an eye on the permitted speed and thus ensure greater safety on the roads.

Important information:

  • Google Maps now offers a speed display on iPhones and Apple CarPlay.
  • The function shows both the current driving speed and the maximum permitted speed.
  • The speed display is being rolled out worldwide and is available immediately.
  • Users can activate the function in the Google Maps settings.

What’s new in Google Maps?

Google Maps is expanding its range of functions for iPhone users with a speed display that can be used both on the iPhone itself and via Apple CarPlay. This display provides two key pieces of information: the current speed of the vehicle and the maximum permitted speed on the current route. According to a report by TechCrunch, the new feature is being rolled out worldwide.

Why is this feature important?

The integration of the speed display in Google Maps addresses a common problem: many drivers are not always sure how fast they are allowed to drive in certain areas. Especially in unfamiliar cities or on unfamiliar routes, it can be easy to exceed the speed limit. The new function helps to avoid such misunderstandings.

The speed display also promotes a safer driving style. By knowing how fast they are allowed to drive at all times, drivers can adapt their driving behavior accordingly and thus reduce the risk of accidents. Especially in countries with strict speed controls and high fines, this can also bring financial benefits.

How do you activate the speed display?

To activate the speed display, users simply need to open the settings in their Google Maps app. There, under the menu item “Navigation settings”, they will find the option to switch on the speed display. As soon as this is activated, the display will be visible both on the iPhone screen and via Apple CarPlay.

Global availability and reactions

Google is gradually rolling out the function in all regions, so it should soon be available to all users. Initial reactions to the new feature have been overwhelmingly positive. Users appreciate the additional information and see it as a useful contribution to improving road safety. And quite rightly so.

After all, the speed display is a welcome addition that helps drivers to drive more safely. By displaying the current and permitted speed, misunderstandings are avoided and speeding is reduced. Easy activation and global availability make this feature a valuable addition for all Google Maps users.

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Google Maps has introduced a new function for iPhone users: the speed display. This extension is designed to help drivers keep an eye on the permitted speed and thus ensure greater safety on the roads. Important information: Google Maps now offers a speed display on iPhones and Apple CarPlay. The function shows both the current driving speed and the maximum permitted speed. The speed display is being rolled out worldwide and is available immediately. Users can activate the function in the Google Maps settings. What’s new in Google Maps? Google Maps is expanding its range of functions for iPhone users … (Weiterlesen...)

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