
Hoymiles HM-800: Manufacturer responds to criticism

The Hoymiles HM-800 is currently facing real negative headlines. A test by Stiftung Warentest has not only given the inverter a poor rating. It also criticized the gadget for balcony power plants as being questionable due to its electromagnetic compatibility outside the tolerance range. The manufacturer is now defending itself in a public statement, which we have received.

Manufacturers defend inverters from Hoymiles

In its latest assessment of balcony power plants, Stiftung Warentest has issued largely damning verdicts. Just one out of a total of eight mini PV systems tested received the test rating “good”. Naturally, the manufacturers who were punished are anything but pleased with the results. These include the manufacturers Yuma and Maxxisun, which use an inverter from Hoymiles in their models.

hoymiles hm-800
Image: Hoymiles

In their statement, they emphasize that they have been certified an excellent test result by the trade magazine Computer Bild. The two companies also emphasize that the inverter has all the necessary certifications. Nevertheless, the balcony power plants tested were sets that still use an outdated model of the inverter from 2021, which actually has an electromagnetic compatibility outside the tolerance.

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Since December 2023, however, the newer model in the form of the Hoymiles HMS-800 has been in use, as Hoymiles has now clarified. Accordingly, only remaining stocks of previously produced inverters were still on sale. However, according to Hoymiles, the Stiftung Warentest article shows that it was a complete set as of February 2024. However, the latest version of the inverter is said to significantly reduce electromagnetic incompatibilities thanks to a housing made of a double-sided aluminum alloy. According to the manufacturer, the corresponding certifications have already been obtained.

No recall necessary

Hoymiles also emphasizes that no inverters need to be recalled. This has even been confirmed by the Federal Network Agency. In order to solve the problem once and for all, the manufacturer is now focusing exclusively on the production of the latest version of the inverter. However, production of the affected line has been completely discontinued.

However, the Federal Network Agency has attached a condition to the waiver of a recall. The Hoymiles HM-800 must be withdrawn from sale. The manufacturer responded immediately and complied with the demand. If you own a Hoymiles HM-800 and have no problems with it, you can continue to use the inverter without hesitation. There is no need for you to take any action.

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