
Lease solar system: Energy supplier EWE supports homeowners

Energy service provider EWE wants to support homeowners in the private energy transition in the future and is offering the option of leasing a solar system. Photovoltaic system with inverter, electricity storage and optionally a wallbox for charging electric cars can be easily leased from 01 January 2023.

Lease solar system: Energy provider EWE with new model

The new EWE ZuhauseSolar Pacht model will allow solar systems to be leased easily from 01 January 2023. The expensive acquisition costs for solar technology are omitted thereby. In this way, the energy supplier wants to support private households in the energy transition and offers a complete system consisting of a photovoltaic system with inverter and electricity storage, as well as an optional wallbox for charging electric cars.

Over a contractually agreed term of 20 years, interested parties pay a fixed monthly amount to EWE, which then also takes care of the installation and commissioning of the solar system.

“Leasing the system makes it possible to generate, use and also store clean energy yourself. Thus, the private energy transition can be advanced and the own property upgraded”, said Andy Satzer, solar and storage expert from energy service provider EWE in the press release.

Cutting electricity costs by 30 percent

Especially in view of the rising cost of electricity, but also to lease the expansion of renewable energy, a photovoltaic system makes absolute sense, of course. Leasing a solar system saves around 30 percent in electricity costs. In combination with an electricity storage system, the annual electricity demand can now be covered by up to 70 percent.

The energy provider remains the owner of the solar system for more than 20 years, which should lower the inhibition threshold due to the high initial costs of leasing. The customer becomes the operator, can use the solar power and also receives the corresponding remuneration from the grid operator when the power is fed into the grid.

After 20 years, there is then the option of taking over the solar system from EWE. Alternatively, the system can be completely dismantled. Only service and maintenance for the solar system must be carried out by customers.

“We offer a service and maintenance contract optional to the lease accordingly, so the lease becomes an all-round carefree package for the personal energy turnaround,” Andy Satzer continues.

According to EWE, the solar lease model is suitable for all private households. The company offers the service initially in its home regions in the northwest of Germany, in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. However, other regions are to follow soon.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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