
Montana Black: Soon to have its own mobile game?

You don’t have to be too familiar with the YouTube universe to know the name Montana Black. The successful streamer has become a real jack-of-all-trades in the media. Aside from Call of Duty, he’s also a successful entrepreneur and made it to No. 1 on Der Spiegel’s bestseller list. Now “Monte,” as his fans affectionately call him, is planning his own mobile game. Work on it has already received.

Now also a mobile game?

On YouTube, Montana Black is considered one of the most successful channel owners. This is supported not only by his subscriber numbers in the millions, but also by his successful merchandise line. The entrepreneur now wants to gain a foothold in the profitable field of mobile gaming. In doing so, he is taking a real classic as his model. After all, his upcoming game for smartphone and tablet is strongly reminiscent of Super Mario. However, while Nintendo’s plumber with the iconic mustache wants to free his great love Princess Peach from the clutches of the evil Bowser, Monte’s choice of character is somewhat different. Here it is Montana Black himself who takes on the role of the hero. However, it is not a beautiful princess who is to be rescued, but Kylo the pug.

Announcement in its own stream

The announcement of the upcoming game took place, how could it be otherwise, in one of Montes much-watched streams. Here he pointed out that a corresponding mobile game would appear on both iOS and Android. However, the streamer did not reveal which development studio is behind the game. A look at the first in-game material quickly makes it clear that some successful models have been taken. The 2D pixel look is very reminiscent of the very successful mobile game “Jetpack Joyride”.

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Surprisingly, the game will not be released as a free-to-play title. Instead, the developers want to charge a one-time price of 5 Euros. What may initially sound like a lot of money in the mobile gaming sector should be a fair decision for many. After all, it is precisely the free-to-play titles that become a real cost trap for many. Young people in particular sometimes spend vast sums here.

Release is still unknown

So far, we don’t know what the game starring Montana Black will be called. Equally uncertain is the release of the game. However, it can be assumed that it won’t be too long until the first mobile game with Monte will find its way into the Google Play Store and Apple Store. With the release completed, it should not be that yet. The developers would like to regularly deliver content in addition to Monte. Neither the successful streamer nor the developers need to worry about the success of the game. The popularity of Montana Black alone should ensure that the download numbers will skyrocket. Monte is not the first streamer to launch his own game. The internationally celebrated YouTuber Pewdiepie has already launched the so-called “Tuber Simulator”. However, he had little success with it. We are curious whether Montana Black will have more luck.

From junkie to millionaire

The career of Montana Black is really remarkable. So it’s hardly surprising that his life story has attracted a lot of interest not only from fans, but also from other people. After all, the streamer, whose real name is Marcel Thomas Andreas Eris, has already published two autobiographies, both of which are considered bestsellers. With such a large fan base and exciting life story, this is hardly surprising.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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