
New generation of iPad Pro and iPad Air helps save battery power

The latest generations of the Apple iPad Pro and Air not only have a thin design. They also want to score points for longevity by allowing you to make individual settings to conserve the battery. You should also be able to view important battery data from now on.

New options for the iPad Pro and Air

As part of its keynote on May 7, 2024, Apple announced the latest generation of iPad Pro and Air. Fans were delighted to see an extremely thin design, the powerful M4 processor and an OLED panel, among other things. But that’s not all the new features. With iPadOS 17.5, Apple also wants to focus once again on the longevity of the battery.

According to a report from MacRumors, new settings options for the battery will apparently be available. Apparently, users will be able to limit the maximum charge level for a single battery charge. Users will also be able to view important battery parameters. These can give the user the opportunity to find out about the battery status and possible problems.

iPad pro
iPad Pro 11 and 13 (Image: Apple)

In particular, the limitation to a maximum charge level should be a real wellness treatment for the iPad battery, which has been battered by everyday challenges. However, anyone with a new iPhone will already be familiar with the option of limiting the charge level. Here you can already set the maximum charging capacity in the battery settings.

Insight into the battery history

The report also indicates that you will not only be able to specify the maximum charge level in the battery menu item. You should also be able to view more detailed information about the battery here. Apple will probably label this with the sub-item “Battery health”. Within the menu item, you should then be able to see briefly and concisely whether everything is really okay with the battery.

If this is the case, it will be confirmed with a short term such as “Normal”. More exciting, however, is the insight into the battery history. Here you can see when the battery was manufactured. You can also track every battery charge. In this way, Apple is giving a boost to the second-hand market in particular.

ipad pro
Image: Apple

Many people only decide against buying a used device because of the lack of transparency regarding the health of the battery. However, there is one fly in the ointment. The new options will probably only be available for the two new additions to Apple’s tablet division. So anyone who doesn’t have a new iPad Pro or Air will not benefit from this. What a shame, really.

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