
RoboDeck: This robot is to keep the terrace clean

The robot vacuum cleaner is busy with the carpet and the lawn is being trimmed by the robotic mower? But what about the patio? This is where the new RoboDeck comes into play. A new smart little helper that not only cleans the deck boards, but also stains them.

RoboDeck comes with HomeKit integration

By now, there is a robot for almost every imaginable task. The new RoboDeck is designed to take care of your decking boards and not only clean them, but stain them as well. As HomeKitNews reports, the manufacturer relies on various sensors to do this and integrates not only with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, but even Apple HomeKit. Thanks to map navigation, the robot should always stay on the terrace and not accidentally fall in the maps.

Image: RoboDeck

In and of itself a good idea, what the manufacturers want to fund here shortly via Kickstarter. But – and now comes the big but. The RoboDeck is offered with a cartridge for staining, which is supposed to be sufficient for an area of up to 46 m². The stain is environmentally friendly water-based.

Secure your stain subscription

However, additional cartridges are offered in a subscription model for $20 per month. Alternatively, cartridges are available individually for $35 each. A thoroughly questionable model when you consider that staining decking boards is necessary no more than once a year.

Otherwise, the RoboDeck is rather unspectacular. It measures 35 x 35 x 17 cm and weighs 5 kg. It connects to the smart home via WLAN and has a 5,000 mAh battery. The manufacturer does not provide any information about the battery runtime. However, the charging process should take 1.5 hours. In doing so, the robot is supposed to save real money according to the manufacturer:

RoboDeck not only saves you time and energy, but also your money – up to 70 percent compared to hiring a professional, that’s a fact.

The robot’s Kickstarter campaign launches soon, but the official homepage doesn’t provide any details, aside from the option to stay up to date via email newsletter. At least the sweeping of the terrace can also be done by the recently introduced Eeve Willow X.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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