
Rumor mill: wave of layoffs planned at Tesla

The workforce at Tesla is apparently trembling. According to rumors, managers at the electric car giant have been urged to cut costs. To achieve this goal, redundancies are apparently planned.

Job cuts in sight

The price war on the electric car market is raging more fiercely than ever before. One of the reasons for the strong competition is the US manufacturer Tesla. The company owned by controversial tech billionaire Elon Musk has brought a lot of technology onto the market at a comparatively low price with its recently revised Tesla Model 3. According to rumors, however, this is just the beginning. As reported by ADAC, the Tesla Model Y is also set to drop in price soon. It has been produced in Grünheide near Berlin since 2021, but in order to keep sales profitable, savings must of course be made elsewhere. And this is most likely to happen with personnel. This is according to a report by the news portal Bloomberg.


According to the report, managers at the e-car manufacturer are said to have received instructions from the top to classify their employees. The managers are supposed to differentiate between important and unimportant employees. A corresponding classification has apparently already taken place. You don’t have to be an expert in personnel matters to interpret this as a clear indication of imminent redundancies. There were already signs that this would happen last year. While 29,000 new employees were hired at Tesla in 2022, this figure had already fallen to 12,000 by 2023.

Tesla is cutting back

The phenomenon can currently be seen throughout the entire Tach industry. Recently, redundancies were also announced at Google. For the US manufacturer of electric cars, job cuts are probably also inevitable. At least if it wants to maintain its aggressive pricing policy. This is, of course, not least due to the massive pressure being exerted by the competition. Chinese companies in particular, such as the battery and now also electric car manufacturer BYD, are entering the market with a sometimes astonishing price-performance ratio. So far, Tesla’s plan may still be working. After all, the Model Y e-SUV set a real registration record in 2023. However, if prices fall even further, there will probably be no way around another wave of layoffs.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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