
Rust on the Tesla truck: does the Cybertruck have a quality problem?

It took a few years before the wait was finally over for true Tesla fans with a bulging wallet. Tesla’s Cybertruck went on sale at the end of 2023 and the excitement was great. But after just a few weeks, the first complaints from customers began to pile up. The all-electric pickup is said to have a partial rust problem. In view of the advertised rust-free steel, this naturally caused annoyance among the affected buyers.

Cybertruck buyers report rust spots

The Cybertruck from Tesla looks like a vehicle that would fit perfectly into any science fiction movie. The technology that Tesla has installed in its bulky e-truck is correspondingly modern. But it’s not just the motor, battery and operating system that are futuristic. The successful company has not compromised on the choice of materials either. Tesla has promised to use high-quality stainless steel to equip the pickup for demanding tasks in wind and weather. But has the manufacturer gone a little too far?

The website refers to “stainless steel”

This assumption is now supported by reports from some disgruntled customers. In the Cybertruck Owners Club forum, for example, they report rust stains on the hood, exterior trim and doors. Naturally, the buyers are now hoping for a concession from the car manufacturer. However, they are likely to be waiting a long time for this. After all, a glance at the “small print” makes it clear that Tesla talks about rust-free steel, but also calls for appropriate care.

Although the metal may offer great protection against corrosion, there is no guarantee that rust will not form. It is not without reason that Tesla advises that the Cybertruck should be regularly cleaned of dirt and that a car wash should not be avoided if the degree of soiling requires it. Otherwise the stainless steel body will not retain its appearance. And it is precisely the shiny metal design that many people love about the massive e-car.

Product description causes confusion

When I hear the terms “stainless steel” or “rustproof steel”, I would also assume that it offers comprehensive rust protection. And this is certainly the case. After all, classic steel rusts much faster than the refined metal. Nevertheless, corrosion cannot be completely ruled out. Tesla can therefore probably not be blamed here. Nevertheless, it is a little confusing that the vehicle is already starting to rust just a few months after delivery. This raises the question of what it will look like after a year or two. Tesla may have to reconsider the stainless steel body and perhaps offer another version of its Cybertruck with more protection.

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