
Trump speech: Will there be a tariff barrier for e-cars from China?

Former US President Trump once again used strong words during a campaign appearance. The focus was on the Chinese automotive industry. During his speech, he not only spoke about the introduction of a tariff barrier. His choice of words also included the term “bloodbath”.

The problem with Mexico

Slowly but surely, it seems clear that Donald Trump will be the presidential candidate for the US Republican Party. However, it seems that his winning formula from his last victory has not changed much. The highly controversial former president is scoring points above all with his drastic choice of words during campaign appearances. The whole thing has now reached a new sad climax in Vandalia in Ohio. Here, he not only talked about wanting to make it much harder for Chinese car manufacturers to succeed on the US market. The idea is not new. After all, there is also a heated debate in the European Union about whether to introduce punitive tariffs for Chinese products.

After all, there are growing indications that the Chinese government is relying on heavy subsidies for its own automotive industry, thereby creating unfair competitive advantages for other markets. However, the situation in the USA is even more different. After all, it is possible for Chinese manufacturers here to take a detour via Mexico. As Mexico has a free trade agreement with the USA, vehicles manufactured there can be imported without the punitive tariffs that are already in place. Trump now wants to change this.

Trump has the electric car as an enemy

Even if the proposal is certainly in the interests of many Americans, it was once again his questionable choice of words that caused offense. In his speech, he addressed Xi Jinping, China’s head of government, and said that “every single car that crosses the border will be subject to a 100 percent tariff”. He also suggested an outright ban on sales. At first glance, this may sound as if Trump wants to strengthen the national manufacturers of electric cars. However, the planned sales ban also appears to be primarily a declaration of war against the electric car itself, as can be seen from the corresponding CNN report.

The speech became confusing and frightening at the same time when Trump suddenly threatened a “bloodbath” if he was not elected. One can’t help but recognize in this choice of words an allusion to the storming of the Capitol in January 2021. However, the campaign team immediately put the words into perspective. The bloodbath was said to have referred solely to the impending risks for the car industry. They referred to the current policy of the Biden administration and the “bloodbath” it is currently causing in the US automotive industry.

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