
BMW shows teaser for the new X-Class model

The X-series is considered BMW’s in-house SUV family. Now the traditional Bavarian manufacturer has given a small foretaste of a completely new model in the series for the first time.

BMW Vision New X-Class

The name may seem a little unwieldy, but behind the Vision Neue Klasse X is clearly an all-electric SUV in the luxury class. But you won’t just get BMW-typical premium-level build quality here. In its teaser, Bayerische Motorenwerke also promises major technical progress compared to the previous electric SUVs in the company’s own lineup. The motor and battery should work together much more efficiently.

The car manufacturer promises 25 percent better energy efficiency. Furthermore, the range should be 30 percent higher. Charging the battery should also be 30 percent faster. These are really big leaps compared to the previous iX models. This is primarily made possible by the new battery cells. These come in a round shape, which should make the technical progress possible.

The car manufacturer has big plans

The premium impression of the E-SUV is not lost when you look inside. This also makes a very high-quality impression. It is noticeable that BMW has taken a pleasingly minimalist approach, taking its lead from the competition in the USA and the Far East. The absence of individual leather elements or chrome trim also ensures that the interior does not look staid, but very modern. Technology enthusiasts will be delighted with the new infotainment system. This not only consists of a large display in the center of the cockpit. With Panoramic Vision, you also get the latest version of head-up display technology.

Unveiling on March 21, 2024

BMW does not seem to be impressed by the current negative trend on the German and global electric car market. In recent months, sales figures for fully electric cars in Germany have plummeted. One of the main reasons for this is likely to have been the abolition of the mobility bonus.

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However, as BMW’s Vision New Class X is likely to be in a price segment that is not eligible for subsidies anyway, this should not dampen the Bavarians’ desire to innovate. If the teaser has whetted your appetite for more, you should receive details of the BMW Vision New Class X on March 21, 2024. This will be followed by the official unveiling of the promising premium-class e-car. Production is scheduled to start in 2025.

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