
USA and China see connected cars as a security risk

An active internet connection in modern cars is now commonplace. What brings great convenience and practical features for drivers is a real source of danger in the eyes of some security authorities. The USA and China are now openly warning of the risks to national security and the safety of women.

Fear of spies on four wheels

Modern cars are increasingly resembling smart gadgets on four wheels. However, all the practical features that modern vehicles bring with them also require a lot of technology, comprehensive networking and data collection on a grand scale. But all this also has its downsides, which is now increasingly worrying China and the USA. Of course, the two superpowers are not worried about the manufacturers in their own country. Rather, they are concerned about the companies in the other country. Among other things, they are worried about national security.

The vehicles with their integrated cameras could act as spies on four wheels, so to speak. This fear is reminiscent of a measure taken by the Berlin police. In 2022, Tesla vehicles were banned from parking in front of police stations in the German capital. The reason was that the integrated cameras and other technology posed too great a risk of surveillance. China has also responded by banning the brand’s models not only in front of government facilities. A driving ban also applies at major public events, for example. However, the USA is still keeping its feet still in this regard. So far, US President Biden has only responded to Chinese activities on the automotive market with words.

US President Joe Biden sees a real danger in Chinese cars

In an official statement from the White House, he pointed out that China “has every intention of dominating the future of the auto market, including through unfair means”. Vehicles from Chinese manufacturers currently have a hard time in the USA, as extremely high tariffs prevent them from being competitive at all. This could soon change. After all, Chinese manufacturers are apparently planning to build factories in Mexico. As the country bordering the USA has also concluded a free trade agreement with the United States, China could easily circumvent the tariffs in this way.

Women are also at risk

If the number of Chinese cars registered in the USA increases again, Joe Biden sees this as “a risk to our national security”. He blames this on the extensive networking and therefore also access to sensitive data. The latter could be stored by cars on a large scale and passed on directly to China. Biden even fears that a large fleet of Chinese-made cars could suddenly be shut down remotely from China. Accordingly, he wants to take action against this and has tasked his Minister of Economic Affairs, Gina Raimondo, with the matter.

China has already banned Tesla from driving in various scenarios

It should initiate an investigation that takes a closer look at such risks of vehicles from so-called “countries of concern”. The result could well be a driving ban for Chinese makes. Biden points out that corresponding bans are already in place in China. Regardless of the well-known dispute between China and the USA, women’s rights activists see a completely different problem. Jessica Rosenworcel, head of the Telecoms Regulatory Authority (FCC), has now officially sounded the alarm.

She warns that modern cars are increasingly being used in stalking cases. As they can be tracked anytime and anywhere with the right app, drivers can always be located by their partner when they are out and about in the vehicle. In the often terrifying reality of violent relationships, the car can then no longer serve as a “lifeline” to escape from a potentially life-threatening situation. This is, of course, another valid argument against the increasing connectivity of modern vehicles.

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