
Wave of layoffs at Sony PlayStation

Bad news for game developers at some of PlayStation’s well-known development studios. Almost 900 employees are to lose their jobs.

Cuts at Insomniac and Naughty Dog, among others

A huge wave of redundancies is currently sweeping through the entire tech world. So it was only a matter of time before the gaming industry was also affected. Sony PlayStation is no exception. This is quite surprising given the black figures that affected studios such as Insomniac Games and Naughty Dog have posted in recent months. However, these two big players are not the only ones to lose some employees in the future. Guerilla Games, which made a name for itself with the two parts of the Horizon game series, is another major European development studio to be affected. According to a report by Bloomberg, the job cuts will affect a total of 900 employees.


But things are even worse for the developer studio London Studio. It is likely to be scrapped completely. PlayStation manager Jim Ryan does not justify this harsh step with insufficient success or a poor economic situation. Rather, it is apparently a prophylactic step. The manager told Bloomberg that the gaming industry has “changed a lot” recently and that it is necessary to “prepare for the future”. Apparently someone wants to save up some capital to be prepared for future challenges?

Fear of AAA shortage at PlayStation

The huge wave of layoffs has left fans of Sony’s home console with a bad taste in their mouths for good reason. After all, it affects well-known developer studios. The subsequent staff departures and austerity measures could indicate that Sony may no longer want to invest so much money in blockbuster titles. The games market proves them right. A lot of money can now be earned with free-to-play titles. These are generally much cheaper to develop and generate a lot of money with purchasable content.

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