
The powerful WhatsApp marketing software for your business – Chatarmin

Newsletters can only become genuine marketing tools if they are delivered through channels that people will engage in any way. For the majority of customers, this platform is WhatsApp. On WhatsApp, the audience gives the company attention to potential customers through engagements in the newsletter. Field reports from companies that have entered the new marketing era and started sending newsletters via WhatsApp confirm the tremendous opportunity based on open and conversion rates.

For WhatsApp marketing, they require access to similar marketing software integrated using the WhatsApp Business API gateway. With this WhatsApp marketing software, you can use various functions depending on the provider, from creating customer segments to analyzing the shipment.

In this article, we will describe why Chatarmin is good for WhatsApp marketing.

Where lies the strength of Chatarmin as a WhatsApp marketing software?

100% GDPR-compliant

Thus, it has been concluded that WhatsApp marketing can be one hundred per cent GDPR compliant with our WhatsApp API solution. The privacy of our clients is always in the spotlight. All our servers are located in Germany, and we make sure that our software meets the current data protection regulations.

‍Extensive analyses

It captures all forms of data from your WhatsApp marketing campaign. These are, for instance, the open rate- the number of people who opened the same email; the unsubscribe rate, the number of times that people who received the given mail removed themselves from the sender’s mailing list; the conversion rate; the ratio of the number of people who responded effectively to the given mail to the whole population of people who were in the mailing list brought into the circulation. This leads to elaborate splits and optimization for your campaigns to the degree of professional A/B testing.

The enormous scope of services

Our WhatsApp marketing provides a comprehensive service for advertising on the WhatsApp application. The service offering goes from configuring the WhatsApp API to providing individual advice on how to collect opt-ins, care for customer data, create newsletters, and conduct concrete market studies. It is a service that comes in a complete package and will fit the client company’s business establishment.

First-class customer service

All our competent customer service representatives are here to help you with any issues you may have! Whether it is a matter of concern or not, you will be provided with a personal service point of contact through whom you can make your queries. It can be easy to rely on a written form of communication with our customer service; nevertheless, there is a function of phone contact—and with relatively less waiting time!

‍Cross-industry experience

Numerous organizations within various industries have already used our  marketing tool, , by sending tens of thousands of marketing messages. We deploy this expertise to assist with matters pertaining to the formation, Broadcasting, and evaluation of your intended WhatsApp Marketing promotion.

‍Affordable prices

As for Chatarmin, it is crucial for us to make marketing with WhatsApp available for clients with limited budgets. That is why the prices for our packages, which contain either 250, 500, or 1000 promotional messages, are more than reasonable. With the help of WhatsApp marketing software, you can increase sales and customer loyalty in the long run with diminutive marketing expenses.

‍Automated newsletter sending

Unlike other providers of similar software, our WhatsApp marketing software allows for automatic newsletter sending to the target audience on WhatsApp. This will increase sales in the background and free up quite several person-hours.

Target group-specific sending

In contrast to most WhatsApp marketing providers, we offer the possibility to segment customers and thus send such campaigns to specific target groups. This means that you can achieve a very high individuality and guarantee that the newsletters always have extra value for your customers. Besides, it helps to eliminate the undesirable effect when subscribers can unsubscribe from the newsletter without actually receiving it, reducing the sharp increase in the unsubscribe rate and, therefore, increasing the conversion rate and, subsequently, the sales.

‍Various additional functions

Our software also allows the creation of message templates, which would allow the launch of the WhatsApp newsletter program with its help. Chatarmin’s primary focal point is the customer; requests from different channels are consolidated to this primary inbox, and the ability to readily deploy effective customer interactions indicates that customer communication can be readily enhanced to the ultimate level. Moreover, incorporating many other tools into our software solution minimizes your workload in customer service. With intelligent rating management, you can easily aggregate foreign reviews from your customers from Google & Co., thereby increasing the credibility of your company as well as its online presence.

So, without wasting any further time, let your buiness grow with us. Let us serve you in the best possible manner so you can increase your sales and run a successful buiness.

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