
Amazon is increasing its workforce considerably – almost half a million new employees this year!

It is almost an attitude mania, which prevails with the on-line dealer Amazon. This year, the US group has already hired 430,000 new employees.

Winners all along the line

In the period from January to now, the US company Amazon has hired 430,000 new employees and thus increased its workforce considerably. Historically, there has never been a comparable situation at any other US company where so many new hires have taken place. Two decades ago Walmart once had a huge wave of hiring. In one year, 230,000 new employees were hired. According to the New York Times, comparable dimensions only existed during the Second World War. Of course, the company has benefited enormously from the Corona pandemic. The online business is booming. Many people are ordering from home due to curfews and quarantine, which of course makes a big difference. Not only Amazon has benefited from the Corona crisis! According to reports, Walmart has almost doubled its online business as a result of the pandemic.

The second largest retailer, Target, has seen an even greater increase in online orders. But Amazon is ahead of the pack. The company therefore had to adjust its hiring pace accordingly in July this year. From that point on, the Group employed an average of 2,800 new employees every day. The high number of new hires at Amazon does not even include the nearly 500,000 messengers who deliver the goods to the customers. These are not directly employed by the Group and are therefore not listed. Likewise, the 100,000 holiday helpers were not included in the figure. Amazon’s 430,000 new employees are mainly working in the Group’s large distribution centers. They are also employed in the AMS cloud division and in the Group’s entertainment division. Amazon has a total of 1.2 million employees, of which about 800,000 are employed in the USA alone.

Not only online commerce

Amazon is not only involved in online trading. The company set up a group of employees who had the responsibility of working with other US corporations. In particular, they were supposed to support the companies that were suffering from the crisis. The support includes, for example, directly taking over the employees of these companies. This was also the case with American Airlines, where the employees were able to find employment with Amazon.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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