
Apple Watch gets helpful update

Apple has rolled out a new update for the Apple Watch with watchOS 10.4. The latest software version should please many users of the smartwatch. After all, it fixes an annoying problem that many users have been complaining about recently.

Apple Watch finally displays complete notification

The Apple Watch is undoubtedly one of the most popular smartwatches on the entire market. It is not without reason that the majority of iPhone users rely on the company’s own smart watch. However, the wearable also has small weaknesses that cannot be dismissed out of hand. And we’re not talking about the rather limited battery life. Apple has also made questionable decisions in terms of software. For example, notifications could not previously be displayed in full on the watch. The latest version of watchOS should now fix this problem.

apple watch
Image: Apple

In watchOS 10.4, you can finally display the entire message and not just an excerpt. All you have to do is double-tap on the excerpt of the notification. While this innovation is a step in the right direction, especially in terms of ease of use, another problem is far more significant. Apple has succeeded in eliminating the so-called “ghost touch”. This refers to incorrect touches on the smartwatch display. The special thing about ghost touch is that the problem has only been known since the beginning of the year.

A recent problem

Since February of this year, an increasing number of Apple users have apparently been complaining that their Apple Watch registers touches when they weren’t even there. This can have annoying consequences. For example, you can accidentally call someone or send an unintentional text message. With watchOS 10.4, however, Apple has clearly been able to solve this problem. At least this is the conclusion drawn by initial reactions from users on Reddit. Of course, Apple has also used the latest update to ensure greater security when using the smartwatch. The tech company claims to have closed a whole series of security leaks in the Apple Watch.

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