
Dyson WashG1 launches as the manufacturer’s first mop vacuum cleaner

Dyson is known for its high-quality bagless vacuum cleaners. With the Dyson WashG1, however, the company is now offering the first mop vacuum cleaner that is now available in Germany.

Dyson WashG1 launches in Germany

The new Dyson WashG1 promises to vacuum and mop in one step and in three different stages, including Max mode. It uses two counter-rotating motorized rollers that are designed to pick up even stubborn dirt.

These are evenly moistened to mop the floor afterwards. To do this, the WashG1 uses two nylon brushes with which the 4.9 kg vacuum cleaner cleans the floor.

It has a 1 liter water tank and collects the dirty water in a 0.8 liter container. The battery life is up to 35 minutes, which means that the 114 cm high Dyson WashG1 and its water tank can cover an area of up to 290 m².

Dyson WashG1
Image: Dyson

By design, it is of course suitable for hard floors and should cope equally well with tiles, vinyl, laminate and sealed wooden floors. Thanks to the angled handle, the vacuum wiper should also be easy to maneuver under furniture, although the recently introduced Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 is much flatter here and therefore cleans hard-to-reach areas effectively.

When the job is done, the Dyson WashG1 can be placed in the self-cleaning station, which supplies the vacuum cleaner with new energy and cleans it.

Price and availability

The Dyson WashG1 is now available in Germany and directly from Dyson. The manufacturer’s recommended retail price is 699 euros.

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Dyson is known for its high-quality bagless vacuum cleaners. With the Dyson WashG1, however, the company is now offering the first mop vacuum cleaner that is now available in Germany. Dyson WashG1 launches in Germany The new Dyson WashG1 promises to vacuum and mop in one step and in three different stages, including Max mode. It uses two counter-rotating motorized rollers that are designed to pick up even stubborn dirt. These are evenly moistened to mop the floor afterwards. To do this, the WashG1 uses two nylon brushes with which the 4.9 kg vacuum cleaner cleans the floor. It has … (Weiterlesen...)

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