
Epic Games wants to build “Metaverse” with the support of Sony

The shopping baskets of the gaming divisions of Microsoft and Sony seem to continue to fill up abruptly. Another big investment by the Sony Group has now become known. It wants to invest the proud sum of 1 billion US dollars in the Epic Games studio. Excitingly, this time it’s not just about exclusive rights to upcoming games. Rather, the Japanese tech company wants to support Epic in building a metaverse.

Sony shows itself generous

Behind the extensive investment of the manufacturer of the PlayStation 5 is a request for money from the developer studio Epic Games. This would like to bring its very own Metaverse on the way and has already been able to collect 2 billion US dollars for it. According to Adam Riese, Sony consequently has a 50 percent share in the project. Even more exciting is probably the backer who is providing the second billion. KIRKBI is a share holder that belongs to the LEGO Group. The mere fact that two such well-known companies are participating in Epic Games’ metaverse shows that it seems to be a promising project.

Entertainment is in the foreground

But what does Epic Games have in mind with its very own Metaverse? Does it want to compete with Mark Zuckerberg’s virtual reality in the form of a social network? By all appearances, this does not seem to be the plan. If you look at the creative work of the three companies, you can quickly conclude in which direction the emerging Metaverse should aim. We can certainly expect an extensive platform for VR games. According to the companies’ own statements, the soon-to-be-launched Metaverse is to provide a

“connection between digital and physical worlds”

enable. Kenichiro Yoshida CEO of Sony Group says in this regard:

“We are excited to invest in Epic as a creative entertainment company to deepen our relationships in the metaverse, a space where creators and users share their time”

Considering that the new PSVR for the PlayStation 5 is waiting in the wings, one can certainly understand Yoshida’s euphoria. After all, this is an optimal opportunity for linking. The Sony Group CEO goes on to say.

“We are also confident that Epic’s expertise, including their powerful game engine, combined with Sony’s technologies will accelerate our various efforts, such as the development of new digital fan experiences in sports and our virtual production initiatives.”

Epic Games has big plans

The rise that Epic Games has been able to accomplish in recent years is almost unique in the gaming industry. While the developer studio experienced gigantic success in the 90s with groundbreaking games like Doom, it unfortunately ebbed away again in the 2000s. With its money printing machine Fortnite, however, the studio was able to experience a real boom again and build up its own gaming platform in the form of the Epic Games Store, following Valve’s example. This is where virtual reality lends itself as the perfect complement. CEO Tim Sweeney says of his upcoming project:

“If we’re going to reinvent the future of entertainment and gaming, we need partners who share our vision. We have found them in our partnership with Sony and KIRKBI”

Even though it may be a lot of money, the CEO is overly confident. Thus Sweeney goes on to say.

“This investment will accelerate our work to build the Metaverse and create spaces where players can have fun with friends, brands can create creative and immersive experiences, and developers can build a community and thrive.”

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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