
Facebook deletes Corona video from Trump

After US President Donald Trump announced in a video on his Facebook channel that children were allegedly almost immune to the corona virus, the social network intervened. It unceremoniously deleted the video due to false information.

Donald Trump vs. Social Media

While the social media were still his “best friends” at the beginning of Donald Trump’s term of office, the tide is now turning steadily. In the wake of the Corona crisis and the Black Lifes Matter movement, the US president has already had a lot of trouble with Twitter and YouTube. Here, several posts have already been deleted due to misinformation or glorification of violence. But for the time being Facebook tried to remain neutral in this respect. Now that Donald Trump is spreading false information on the social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook can no longer remain neutral. Without further ado, they deleted a video Trumps.

Serious misinformation

The video had to be deleted as it contained false information according to the company. This was explained by a spokesperson of the company. The video showed Donald Trump in an interview with the TV station Fox News. When asked what would happen to schools in the USA, Trump spoke of opening them regularly after the summer holidays. He justified his plan with the thesis that children are “almost immune” to the corona virus anyway. The core message of the video violates the rules that Facebook has issued on corona misinformation. After all, according to the spokesperson, it is a “false assertion that a population group is immune”.  Children can very well become infected with the rampant virus. Their symptoms are usually much milder than those of older people.

There is a real feud between Twitter and Trump.

The video was not only on Facebook. The social media service Twitter was also not spared Trump’s misinformation. But here, too, the reaction was apparently very fast. The aforementioned interview snippet was no longer available on Twitter on Wednesday evening. A company spokeswoman announced that the short news service had simply demanded the deletion of the video.

Trump relativizes statement

As so often, the incumbent US president tries to get his neck out of the noose. At one of his regular press conferences, Trump stressed the need to put his statements into perspective. He had only wanted to point out that the majority of children with Covid 19 disease have mild courses. Nevertheless, he reaffirmed his intention to reopen the schools after the long holidays. However, the US President has no influence on this. It is rather up to the school districts to decide how they want to organise the reopening. Many school districts have already announced that they will not be operating regularly for the time being.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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