
Germany’s first shipping service provider allowed to deliver by drone

For some time now, the logistics industry has been discussing deliveries by drone. Now the go-ahead has also been given for deliveries by air in Germany. The first company has received permission to do so. However, the test run is initially limited to a specific region.

Drone delivers in Lüdenscheid

If you live in the Westphalian town of Lüdenscheid, you shouldn’t be surprised to see an increase in drone traffic in the skies in the near future. As of today, February 21, 2024, delivery drones are allowed to operate in the airspace of the idyllic district town. The Koerschulte Group was the first company in Germany to receive permission for this logistical breakthrough. According to the company, however, shipping operations using drones will start slowly. Initially, there will only be one customer who will be the addressee for the deliveries. However, the company also emphasizes that it would like to acquire further customers quickly after a successful start.

Drone with all-round service

According to the company, the small flying objects will by no means be able to provide several services at once. In addition to the mere delivery of goods, for example, the surveying of areas is also conceivable. The company would also like to offer filming from lofty heights. The latter have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, the initial focus is likely to be on shipping. And the scope of this sounds impressive to begin with. Koerschulte says that they want to “fly out” around 80 deliveries a day. However, these are unlikely to be too large. After all, the drones used can transport a maximum weight of 6.5 kg.


However, the flying objects are likely to be well ahead of the classic delivery service by car, especially in heavy road traffic. After all, they should be able to reach a top speed of a remarkable 65 km/h. But even at lofty heights, unforeseen incidents can of course occur. Should one of the drones crash, however, there is no need to fear injury. After all, the smart miniature planes have an integrated parachute that is on hand in an emergency and ensures a soft landing.

A blessing for Lüdenscheid

If the service were to be made available to the general public, many people would certainly be pleased. After all, the region has been suffering from massive road traffic problems for some time now. Slow-moving traffic coupled with dilapidated infrastructure makes life difficult for shipping service providers. After all, it is impossible for them to deliver shipments on time. Incidentally, the first company in the drone shipping sector has not yet commented on prices.

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In view of the unique selling point, however, it is unlikely to be a bargain. At first glance, however, the offer is aimed more at the B2B market anyway. If a shipment needs to be flown quickly and reliably from A to B, this is the perfect option. Nevertheless, we are watching with interest to see where the journey with shipping drones will take us and when the next service provider will jump on the bandwagon. It certainly won’t be too long now.

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